Monday, April 29, 2013

His Perfect Way

“Seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain, that makes men one in Love remain.”1

This is from a favorite poem turned into a hymn. At times when we sing poems we can get lost in the music and miss the message. So yesterday at church while hearing this sung as our Solo, I wasn’t lost in my croaky voice but listening to the healing words. When the soloist got to this portion it made me think about it.

When we ask ‘when’, ‘where’, ‘why’, ‘how’, ‘what’, we receive the messages from the Holy Ghost who knows all and does all.  This asking is the seeking, the seeking of holy thoughts and heavenly harmonious ways instead of my own.

So ‘when’ should I seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain and remain in Love? The answer has to be today, everyday, always, right now. If I am busy seeking holy thoughts instead of being confused and overwhelmed by the business of the day. I can see a day filled with wisdom, right ideas, helpful ways to handle each challenge. But if I think I’m too busy to seek these holy thoughts from the higher One, God, than myself. By the end of the day, when I look back, I might not see a day of success but a day filled with mistakes and detours. Overtime if I keep leaving Wisdom, Intelligence, God out of my thoughts and day, I am going to have a mess on my hands. The only way out of all the twists and turns of multiple mistakes is to give our lives back over to God who is Life, perfect Life.

Where? Everywhere with everyone, at work, on the road, with our family, friends and foes (if we think and believe we have them). “If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.”2 By seeking His holy thoughts wherever we are, whatever we are doing, we will find that Love is the answer to all of our challenges and questions. Love leads us into the right path. Truth, God, brings to us the answers that we need right where we think we are in a challenge. To love one another and help each other is the standpoint we should seek these holy thoughts. Not just for ourselves but for everyone around us.

Why? Seeking holy thoughts makes me stop thinking everything through from my lacking view point. Instead of my own ways, by turning to God who is All-knowing, All-seeing, All-wise for every answer I am being saved by His heavenly harmonious ways. No matter how small or intricate things seem to be, God has the perfect thought that leads us to the right way to do something, the Divine Way.  By seeking the ‘heavenly strain’ and remaining in love, our viewpoints bear patience, consideration, divine influence, and kind thoughts.

This way of living and thinking makes us people others seek out, because they trust that we are here to benefit them not to use them. This heavenly strain is from a standpoint of loving ideas, thoughts and guidance that not only bless us but bless others. To seek holy thoughts and heavenly strain we are more attuned to God and His healing messages. This brings us at one with God and our fellow man instead of at odds. It brings to us a healing nature instead of competition or an angry disposition.

How? The best way I have found in this seeking of holy thoughts is through humility. If I think I know everything and can do every job I quickly can become unsuccessful, confused, and disappointed. But through humility I find that my ways are lacking and God’s ways are perfect, protective, loving.  By loving God and His ideas more than our own; by looking to Love, Truth, Life, God for all of the answers we find more joy in our lives. When we seek God’s thoughts through humility and meekness we find that our day and relationships harmonize. God’s loving lead directs us through the chaos of our day and brings us peace through His perfect answers to every problem.

“Cherish humility, ‘watch,’ and ‘pray without ceasing’ or you will miss the way of Truth and Love. Humility is no busybody: it has no moments for trafficking in other people’s business, no place for envy, no time for idle words, vain amusements, and all that et cetera of the ways and means of personal sense.”3  Truth and Love is God. ‘Personal sense’ is that voice in our heads that gets us into mischief, trouble, discordant conditions. Why? Because it is the voice of self-justification, self-centered, hurt feelings, egotism, and self-love. It is the voice that makes us say and do things that later we regret.

The last verse of this poem reads, “Fed by Thy love divine we live, For Love alone is Life; And life most sweet, as heart to heart speaks kindly when we meet and part.”4

Let us see the great gain in seeking holy thoughts and heavenly strain. Let us be fed all the right ideas, directions, and intelligence that we gain through living love and experiencing Life from this higher standpoint of thought. Let us share these ideas and ways with those around us. Let us feel our lives harmonize through this divine activity.

Gentle hugs

1 Christian Science Hymnal No. 30 vs. 2
2 The King James Version of the Holy Bible I John 4 vss. 12 (If we) and 13
3 Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy page 356 lines 30-3 following page
4 Christian Science Hymnal No. 30 vs. 5     

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