Sunday, April 7, 2013

Singing in the dark

There was a favorite childhood booklet filled with stories of how children turned to God for comfort for all sorts of challenges they were facing.

The one that keeps coming to thought was called, "Cheerio".  It was about a family with a dear pet bird.  They loved this bird and let it fly around their house.  But one night when it was bedtime they couldn't find Cheerio anywhere.  They called, listened, searched, but no Cheerio. 

The little girl in the story was quite upset.  When her Mom came into the room to tuck her into bed for the night the little girl was crying.  Mom told the little girl that no matter if they knew where Cheerio was or not, God did.  She told her daughter that they could pray and trust that God was lovingly embracing Cheerio as much as He was holding on to them.  Mom said that God was tenderly taking care of Cheerio and they could pray to know that God was showing everyone back together.

The next morning everyone ran over to the cage to see if Cheerio had made it back to her little home,  but no Cheerio.  Before discouragement could set in and even before their next search the brother said, "Wait, I hear something." 

Everyone got very quiet.  It was Cheerio's morning song.  But it was quite faint.  They all started going towards Cheerio's sweet tune.  They ended up in the Kitchen.  One of them opened up the towel drawer and out flew Cheerio with a thread from one of the towels.  She flew to her cage and began her morning song again.  Everyone was very relived.  They realized that Cheerio had gone in to pull a thread but without knowing it someone had closed the drawer on her.

The motto of the story? No matter how dark and scary things seemed to be for Cheerio, and the rest of us, everyone can trust in God. 

When we trust in God's constant care we can see evidence of this wonderful care.  Because no matter how things seem to be difficult, scary or hard, God's light, care, abilities to protect us is always with us.  No condition is too harsh, too dark, or too hopeless that God's Laws of Love cannot get us up and out of any problem.  All we have to do is turn to God and pray/sing to Him our prayer of praise and watch for His perfect answer.

"Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name."1

"When we are willing to help and to be help, divine aid is near...So, my dear ones, let us together sing the old-new song of salvation, and let our measure of time and joy be spiritual, not material."2

Let us keep praying throughout our day till the morning light reveals God's precious promises that He never leaves us in the darkness of gloom.

1 Psalms 100:2-4
2 Miscellaney 166:19

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