Saturday, April 20, 2013


In working on this blog today the quote, “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite to-day is big with blessings,”1 came to my thought.

The face value and powerful truth of this quote is very clear. Those of us who are leaning on God today, the day is filled with big blessings. But there was a time when I didn’t go to church, didn’t read my church books, didn’t pay any attention to God’s presence.  I knew I should. But it was just a passing thought.  I was young and wanted to live my life my way without any interference with ‘that religious stuff’.  I knew when I got older that I would go back. But I thought I was fine going along in my own way. Was I still sustained in infinite blessings then? Yes.

How can I say this, ‘Yes’ with certainty? The mortal appearances looked pretty unblessed. My marriage wasn’t with my best friend. Frustrations and disappointments were my constant companions as I strived to be free from religion. Finally the years of not practicing prayer brought me down to my knees. I was proving the biblical quote, “If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall thy hand lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.”2

This is a profound statement from David in his Psalms.  It is a promise to me/us.  It is stating that no matter where we have placed ourselves God is still with us.  This is why we can say that God is still sustaining us in infinite blessings.  The only thing is we may not know it, feel it, acknowledge it. Perhaps we are missing the blessings daily, instead of feeling embraced by them. Why?  We aren’t looking to God, who is giving us these infinite blessings.  They are all around us but we are oblivious to them.

The best example of this would be like inheriting millions of dollars. The money is an account with our name on it. But because we do not know that it is available to us we do not go get it. We could be feeling very poor.  But are we poor?  No.  We just do not know that we are rich. What happens when we find out?  Our perspective changes, right?

So here we are with this statement, “To those leaning on the sustaining infinite to-day is big with blessings.”  What is it requiring of us?  To lean on God every day and then see that each day is big, full, fulfilled, with blessings, spiritual happiness, heavenly felicity.

What if our days are not looking all that ‘happy’?  Has He, God, Love, left us?  No!  It is we that are basing happiness upon mortal, temporal scales instead of turning our thought upward to spiritual happiness, blessed activities, fulfilled heavenly lives. 

“The blessing of the Lord, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it.”3 The riches that we look for in houses, cars, friends, spouses, careers, do they add no ‘sorrow with it’ at times?  No they are usually not satisfactory in some way or the other.  Then we are seeking from the standpoint of mortal material goals, not spiritual attainments. 

It is so important, if we wish to have true success, happiness, fulfillment, that we turn to God who is all Good.  Love Him more than the false pretenses of this life.  Obey Him diligently, giving to Him all of our attention instead of the things that are so fleeting.  Houses get lost to banks or burn down.  Spouses come and go.  Jobs change, some are great others are dismal failures. Children come into our lives, grow up, and leave. The things of this world isn’t solid, they are like trying to hold water in our hands.

We cannot look at the mortal to weigh the divine in our lives.  This would be like baking a cake and then checking on it by looking into the refrigerator instead of the oven.  To see what God is giving to us, blessing us with, we must look through our spiritual senses instead of our mortal beliefs.  We must look to see where we are in purity, selflessness, glorifying His will, ways, and means.  We must look to Him and obey His word, voice, direction.  We must make sure that we are living lives that best example the Christ. Why? Because then we will see that “to-day is big with blessings”.

“Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”4

If we want a solid sense of happiness, joy, blessed lives, confident direction, we have to “lean on the sustaining infinite”.  This will bring to us the ‘big with blessings’ in our daily lives we truly yearn for and should seek after.

Gentle hug

1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy vii:1-2
2 The King James Version of the Bible Psalms 139:8-10
3 ibid Proverbs 10 vs. 22
4 ibid Malachi 3 vs. 10

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