Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Expecting or Dreading?

 David says in Psalms, “My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength and my refuge, IS IN God.”1

Do we spend our day expecting Good, the Good that only God brings to each one of us? Or do we dread today, fear tomorrow and regret yesterday?

When one looks at the day and days ahead from the standpoint of our having to ‘do something’ through faulty education, lacking knowledge, frustrated understanding, life can become pretty discouraging fast. What if we turned to this passage and looked at the joy this writer feels about His day with God?

First, David waits for God’s guidance. Second, he sees that God is his expectation. David must see that God is very good if he is waiting expectantly on Him who is his ‘rock’, ‘salvation’, ‘defense’. He is immovable when it comes to his stance in waiting expectantly for God. He sees that not only is God His salvation but a refuge, a place to dwell in and rest his thoughts upon. The Psalmist is determined that God is the All of everything he needs, wants and expects in his life that must be very good.

When we realize that every day is filled with this God who is all Good, the One who created us to be expectant and joyful. Then we can see that He is giving to each and every one of us this standpoint of salvation in our day and lives. 

Can we see that by moving our faulty thoughts and views from dread, lack, confusion and possibly regret we too can expect this God of glorious good?

In the Bible it states that we are His ‘daily delight’2. Do we feel delightful, delighted, happy? Happiness comes from a perspective that David is coming from. As one who is expecting great goodness, he sees that in this waiting there is something worth waiting for, there is something to be happy about. 

It is important that we see that happiness doesn’t come from physical appearances, physical situations, physical relationships. But through a changeless bountiful spiritual existence, which comes from God through us and is ever-present and powerful.

This power comes from God’s all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting wisdom. God is the intelligence of the universe including Man. Our lives lived through this intelligent, harmonious and spiritual Being, God, brings to us better decisions, more harmonious Being, wisdom and joy. When we base our lives, our days, our future on the firm foundation of this perfect Divine Intelligence, we begin to see everything that we are going through harmonize.

God doesn’t know evil, bad, unhappy circumstances. Love only knows what He is giving to us, Love, joy and goodness. Love doesn’t see these things because they were not created by, sent by, or used to punish us by this all loving God. God only sees what He has created us to be, reflections of His all Goodness.

With this understanding our lives harmonize as we seek His ever-presence, His Laws, and His Goodness. We can expect a day, a life filled with Good. We can wait patiently for His all Goodness and stop trying to do things on our own. This helps us to stop feeling like we are constantly dreading and dodging the ugly circumstances in our lives that we have created through ‘self’. Lives lived through ‘self-indulgences’, ‘self-justification’, ‘self-pity’, and all the etc. ‘selfs’ create havoc in our lives which can be removed and replaced with the expectancy of Good. God is giving to each of us His sense of rightness and perfect Selfhood. Divine Self as the only Perfect Self, Love, is constantly giving to us the right ideas that helps us during our days. By reflecting what God has for us we begin to see through the pain, sorrow, and confusion. God lifts us above these to His higher view point of what He has for us each and every day.

"Then I said unto you, Dread not, neither be afraid of them.3” Deuteronomy 1: 29

“Hold perpetually this thought—that it is the spiritual idea, the Holy Ghost and Christ, which enables you to demonstrate, with scientific certainty, the rule of healing, based upon its divine Principle, Love, underlying, overlying, and encompassing all true being.”4

Let us start expecting Good, Love, by holding our thought perpetually towards the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is that One who knows all, does all, manifests all. It is the One who knows the ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’, and ‘with whom’ of our everyday lives. It works through and with the Christ, Truth. The Christ is that Truth which brings all mankind forward, through, and to all the healing answers and divine solutions that we need. We can joyfully expect this spiritual guidance to bring us through our days and years from the standpoint of Good, not dread.  

“Come we daily then, dear Father,
Open hearts and willing hands,
Eager ears, expectant, joyful,
Ready for Thy right commands.
We would hear no other voices,
We would heed no other call;
Thou alone art good and gracious,
Thou our Mind and Thou our All.

In Thy house securely dwelling,
Where Thy children live to bless,
Seeing only Thy creation,
We can share Thy happiness,
Share Thy joy and spend it freely.
Loyal hearts can feel no fear;
We Thy children know Thee, Father,
Love and Life forever near.”5

Gentle Hug

1 The King James Version of the Bible Psalms 62 vss. 5-7
2 ibid. Proverbs 8 vs. 30
3 ibid. Deuteronomy 1 vs. 29
4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg. 496 line 15
5 Christian Science Hymnal No. 58

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