Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Terrorized or Free?

Terrorism is based upon extreme fear.  It plays against people’s deepest fears and concerns for their own and their families well being.  It tries to paralyze governments, people, and activities. IF it could it would have everyone bow down to it, turning life from freedom to bondage.

The opposite of terror/fear is boldness, bravery, courage, dauntlessness, fortitude, fearlessness.

We can bow down to terrorism, stop living our lives freely, and be in bondage to fear; OR we can courageously go to a higher source for our safety and be free. 

It is important to note here that the belief in self-protection is truly futile if it is relying upon material equipment and mortal abilities. Guns, knives, body armor, tanks, bulletproof materials, alarms can only go so far. To base protection on these things is based upon a false trust. No human ability, protective equipment availability, and constant guard can measure up. We cannot be constantly in possession and able to protect ourselves every second of the day. Do we sleep in body armor, bathe in a bullet proof shower, drive through the fast food in an armored vehicle, go to the movies in a bullet-proof- bubble, or sit at sporting events in tanks? Is our hand on a gun every moment?  Can we shoot as well as the next guy? The fearful mind wants to come up with some kind of answer. This is understandable. But the answers of this sort cannot protect us or our loved ones permanently and effectively every moment of the day.  We cannot be everywhere our loved ones are!

There has to be something that we can turn to that is infallible, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.  There is, it is God. God is the Good that fills all space. God is the powerful Principle, Truth. God is the Mind, the Soul that created Man in His perfect spiritual nature.  God is eternal, deathless Life. God is Spirit, the perfect substance, not in or of matter. God is All-in-all. God is Love. God is everywhere, at all times, in all perfect Omnipotence.

And Man?  The Real Man is God’s spiritual image and likeness. The Real Man dwells in the perfect Consciousness, Mind, God as perfect Idea.  He is forever embraced in eternal Life. He is ‘daily the delight’1, the dearly beloved of Love.  The Real Man is the beauty, glory and grace of God, the expression of the Christ. 

The counterfeit man that represents the opposite of God’s Perfect Idea, Man, is the anti of God who is Life, Truth, and Love.  It is the lie about man and God as separate entities. The liar, the counterfeit evil man, claims that it can kill and die.  But it cannot actually kill Life, Truth or Love; or God’s image and likeness, Man. No matter how many different weapons it tries to employ.

This was proven in Jesus Christ’s life.  The Christ couldn’t be killed, the evil tried; and Jesus came back to prove the inability to kill Life, God, and God’s Idea, Man.

So, the only way that we can see ourselves and our loved ones as completely safe is to see all as completely spiritual in the Mind of God.  As we acknowledge that we are created in the substance of Spirit, we can walk through this experience in safety. By realizing that our life is Life, God, we can live life with freedom. 

God is not afraid. When we know this perfect, fearless Being, we too can consistently, persistently, express fearlessly this Divine Power called Life. We can live with courage, undaunted by the terroristic plots of evil just as Jesus did. Otherwise we are forever in the belief of peril, forever in the fearful threat of danger.  In this view of life we are forever in bondage never truly free at all. 

Our freedom comes with the knowledge of our true spiritual nature, as God sees us, created us, and knows us. The reassuring promise from David in his Psalms, “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; …Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.  For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.”1
AND in The Acts of the Apostles: “For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”2

“As mortals give up the delusion that there is more than one Mind, more than one God, man in God’s likeness will appear, and this eternal man will include in that likeness no material element.”4

By praying Christianly Scientific in this way, are thoughts are lifted above the grounds of fearfulness to the inspired understanding that brings fearlessness. To live our lives fearless is to be lead by the understanding that God is Life; and Man, the Real Man, as truly spiritual in substance, nature and expression.

We are free born.  We can live life and experience safety in the understanding that we live, and move, and have our being in Spirit, the perfect atmosphere and substance of God.

Gentle hug
1 The King James Version of the Holy Bible Proverbs chapter 8 vs. 30
2 ibid. Psalms chapter 91 vss. 5, 9-11
3 ibid The Acts chapter 17 vs. 28
4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg 191:4-6

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