Thursday, April 25, 2013

God's Angels

“O longing hearts that wait on God

Through all the world so wide;

He knows the angels that you need,

And sends them to your side,

To comfort, guard and guide.”1


Dear hearts,

God knows us. His ever-presence is revealed to us by His angel visitants speaking of His constant love and care. If we are still and turn from the tumult of the media, the pressures of the finances, the loneliness of all our struggles, to Him the God of Love, we will see Life as it is all harmonious.

Christ Jesus walked over the waves of the foaming sea, feed the multitudes without a ‘job’ or selling something, healed the sick, and raised the dead in direct opposition of all the chaos and struggles of that time. He revealed to us ‘Immanuel—God with us’2.

David said in his Psalms, “For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.”3

He was speaking not only of Christ Jesus which the devil repeated tempting him after his forty days of prayer and fasting, but to us all. He, God, gives us His angels charge over us, to keep us in all our duties. The angels bear us up in their power, lest we dash our foot against a wisdom or rule. We get to not only be protected by these angelic communications from God. But we are also taught lessons by them.  Whenever we falter, fight against one of God’s commands through admission or direct denial, His angel messages turn us back to His ways, directing our paths back to His constant progressive control.

Christ Jesus showed time and time again the power that his/our Father does for all. His healing nature, His protection, His constant love is for us all to witness and prove.

The revelation that God sends His angels to us constantly directing, guiding, sheltering, tenderly tending to our every need is a power that would change our lives if acknowledged.

Why do we not hear or feel these angelic messages? It is because we have not trained our thoughts to turn to Him, to listen for His direction. We think we ‘have it covered’, that we can do it, take care of it, ‘figure it out’. But can we?  Look around, how are we doing? The chaos, noise, tumult, fear, and anger that people are feeling reveals that we aren’t doing it well on our own.

It is like having the TV on and not seeing a weather alert because we have tuned it out. Instead we have our ear buds in our ears listening to loud music ignoring the warnings. We cannot hear the alerts unless we look up and see the warning on the TV. How does this pertain to God and His healing messages? We must remove all obstacles and turn our attention to God to hear, see, and to know better.  We must learn how to focus on God alone.  Then we will be as those in the Bible who had a direct line of communication from God to man to turn to, follow, and be saved by.

“O wake and hear the angel-song
That bids all discord cease,
From pain and sorrow, doubt and fear,
It brings us sweet release;
And so our hearts find peace.”4

Let us awaken to the realization that God is with us every step of every day. He bids all discord to cease, all pain, sorrow, doubt, and fear. He brings to us all sweet release from these and all burdens. We find our peace in His Love and He in turns sends His angels to bear us up at all times revealing to us His tender constant care.

Gentle hugs  

1 Christian Science Hymnal Hymn No. 9 vs. 3
2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page xi line 16
3The King James Version of the Holy Bible Psalms 11 vss. 11, 12
4 Christian Science Hymnal Hymn No. 9 vs. 4

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