Sunday, April 21, 2013


When we place our confidence in personal ability what happens when we fail something miserably? Or worse yet, what happens if we succeed and receive huge accolades and rewards? Confidence placed in our own abilities or others, is a “reed shaken in the water…provoking the Lord to anger”1? Confidence in anything other than God, Mind, who is the perfect intelligence, is the farthest thing from wisdom.  Confidence cannot be based upon personal accomplishments, they come and go.  Our confidence has to come from a higher trust, from an infinite source of Well Being. Otherwise we are basing confidence upon ego, other people, or things that can be taken away or destroyed.  It is dicey at best when we have this type of confidence. Everything of this world can be shaken, lost, or let us down.

The true and only Ego is Mind, God. The perfect One isn’t persons, places, or things it is Divine Mind, the all-intelligence of all true Being.

We must learn how to turn to the precious source of all Good, God. Our peace and confidence through meekness, quietness, love, and wisdom, depends upon this All-knowing Mind. We gain dominion and power unlike anything else through His wisdom and intelligence. God never lets us down, never lets us go, and never leaves us.

We may start out by saying, “Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed. My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word. Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When wilt thou comfort me?”2 But this is based upon unproven hope and a shaky trust.  What we need is trials and witnessing of His ever-present care.  This gains for us confidence that there is nothing impossible to God or His wisdom and perfect Being.

As we consistently and persistently turn to Love, Mind, God, we begin to feel that His ever-presence lifts us above everything. We begin to have a confidence that strengthens us in all His ways.  We begin to see that the first step to everything must begin, fully stride through, and finish with Mind, God. His strength and intelligence will guide us perfectly every time.  

Then we too will be able to say, “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.”3

Confidence is spiritual it isn’t in nor from a mortal selfhood, place, or thing.  Confidence is spiritual power through the knowledge of who and what is doing all and is All-in-all.  Confidence through God, Mind, is peace and well-being. Confidence in the Highest Power is intelligence.  When we turn from the false sense of personal trust to the Divine we are placing our lives on firmer foundations. 

We can breathe easier knowing that God’s perfect ways are in control of our lives. We can never be ashamed of this perfect confidence in the Perfect Mind.

Be at peace by turning your whole thought and activity over to God.

“Place on the Lord reliance;
My heart, with courage wait;
His truth be thine affiance,
When faint and desolate:
His might thy heart shall strengthen,
His love thy joy increase;
Thy day shall mercy lengthen:
The Lord will give thee peace.”4

Gentle hug

1 The King James Version of the Holy Bible  I Kings 14 vs. 15
2 ibid Psalms 119 vss. 80-82
3 ibid I John 5 vss. 14, 15
4 Christian Science Hymnal No. 77 vs. 2

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