Saturday, April 6, 2013

Safety no matter who or where you are

Reading an article from the Christian Science Sentinel, June 30, 1973 entitled “You know better than that” by Joyce E. Dronsfield, reminded me of a time when I was in Massachusetts with my small poodle, Lil’ Buddy.  The article is about safety for Joyce when she came upon a group of seven teens robbing an elderly woman down in a deserted subway terminal. 

Joyce had been praying, which is the first steps of any and all awareness of our cared for selves by God.  When she called out to the teens for them to leave the woman alone they did.  This allowed the other woman to slip away. Then Joyce was there alone to face them.  But was she really alone?  No for she knew that God was fully there for all and she trusted in God’s care.  She told the teens “You know better than that”. This stopped the ring leader and their advances towards her.  He mumbled, ‘yes I do’.  Turning away from her they all left.  She was safe, they were repentant, and she very humbled and grateful.

As I said it reminded me of a trip I made alone to the East Coast.  I was outside walking Buddy, making his morning rounds, when I noticed a man looking inside the bed of a truck.  I knew it wasn’t his because he had come out of another truck and moved in a cautious slinking way over to the other.  I could see a tire in the bed that he was looking at.  He looked at me.  I looked at him and then he started to act like he was going to take the tire.  I said in a clear, firm, matter of fact voice, “That is not yours leave it alone.” He stopped and looked at me.  I stood firm on the ground that I knew that God is the Truth and the Truth was protecting me and this man.  He hesitated and once again with a firm voice I said, “Go get in your own truck.” He looked like he was considering the situation and I demanded, “Go on, get in your own vehicle.”  He turned and went to his own truck. 

When I went into the lobby I explained the situation and asked the clerk to call the police. He said that he wouldn’t.  I was shocked.  Turning my thought in prayer so that I could stay calm, I knew that just as calm as I had been when I demanded ‘the would be thief’ to stop the wrongful activity.  I could stand firm in my thoughts about God’s divine direction here as well.  I wouldn’t let the clerk upset me. The funny thing was I had to fight harder to stay calm in that situation than with the threat of the encounter with the man outside.  The temptation to be angry or incensed was strong.  But I stayed safe in knowing that God is and always will be doing all Righteousness. Going back outside I found the truck the man had gotten into had left and the tire was still in the other truck. 

The lessons learned that day have stayed with me for years. When we stand for Truth, Principle, God, we can feel the perfect freedom of His safety that is all around us. We can see that man is not in charge of our lives, God is.  No matter if it is dishonesty or cowardly stances that threaten our calm, we can stand firm in God’s loving healing embrace safely.

Jesus constantly gave examples of how to deal with others.  Once an upset group of people wanted to stone him but by his stand for always being with God, he went through the angry crowd. It is said, “took they up stones to cast at him: but Jesus hid himself, and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.”1 Jesus knew that he was safe with God; that no anger, envy, hostility of any sort could touch him.  

“If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God. When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.2

Mary Baker Eddy states in Miscellaneous Writings, “Thus founded upon the rock of Christ, when storm and tempest beat against this sure foundation, you, safely sheltered in the strong tower of hope, faith, and Love, are God’s nestlings; and He will hide you in His feathers till the storm has passed.  Into His haven of Soul there enters no element of earth to cast out angels, to silence the right intuition which guides you safely home.”3

We are all safe in Soul, God.  When we do right we can either walk past or if required take a stand, safe in God’s omnipotent care.  All we have to do is pray, trust, know, and follow His lead through any situation.

Gentle hug 

1 The King James Version of The Holy Bible John 8:59 (took)
2 ibid. Colossians 3:1-4

3 Miscellaneous Writings pge 152 lines 22 to 29

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