Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Agitate? Why not trust?

It is given to us in the King James Version of The Holy Bible, “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.”1 

This trust isn’t blind faith.  It is a trust in the Christ, Truth, that has brought us all out of the challenges we face daily for thousands of years. It is a trust that fills us with joy and anticipation.  It is an understanding that our Lord, God, Love, IS giving to us all the answers, ways, means, and directions that we need. 

Let us be as little children who turn lovingly to the Divine Parent for all. This type of sweet trust frees us from worry, burden, concern, fear, and doubt.  This trust is based upon an understanding of the Divinity’s ability and availability.  It is the knowledge that God is, does, and will always give us all that we need.

The life that we are experiencing at this time is like the childhood story problems in our math classes.  Challenges arise, we react, the problems worsen then we become upset and confused.  But sooner than later we hopefully, and at times tearfully, turn to the One and Only Answer-Giver for help, God. 

The major kinks and upsets arise when we jump into the story problems, trying to fix, figure, fool with all the ends and outs of the complicated challenges from our own limited, lacking understanding. By doing this we get lost, upset, and agitated.  BUT if we quickly turn to our trust in God, rise above the challenges, we can see His resolve so much more quickly.  HOW? By using the divine qualities that He has given to us, such as patience, trust, love, compassion, and  most of the time the key quality, FORGIVENESS. By turning to these wonderful values and characteristics that God has created within us, we can use them to get out of the way.  Our viewpoint harmonizes and the answer that God is giving to us reveals the perfect solution. 

The fastest way for us to get into trouble? It is to trust half heartedly, lean on our limited view points and abilities, and leave God out of the equation.  The most harmonious, smooth, fruitful, fulfilling, healing way, is to trust God with all our heart, love, acceptance, joy and gratitude.  It is to not get in the way with limited opinions and false egotistical beliefs.

To trust God is to say, “I will, I do, I am, and thank You God for Your Love, Your Truth, Your laws of perfection.  Thank You for being the IS, the I AM, and the I Will who always gives perfect harmonious Good.”  To trust God is to understand God’s perfection, willingness, and ability.  As the All-knowing, All-seeing, All-powerful He has the perfect answer to every challenge that comes to us. God cannot help it, for God fills all space with His perfection and goodness.
“The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”2 This type of thinking slows the process of meeting our challenges. By the very denial of God’s healing presence we are stuck to our own limited ways and viewpoints.  It throws us into the pit of confusion, depression, egotism. But God, Love, the All-knowing, is saying to all who are listening, “I AM with you always.  I AM handling this.  Stay the course of calm and watch.”  God never leaves even those who do not believe in His Being.  God fills all space how could He do and be otherwise? Love is here for all to turn to, no matter how long denied.  Love frees mankind from useless false beliefs.  Love loves all, because Love is Love. 

Let us listen to this beautiful promising Proverb.  Let us trust in God joyfully with our whole heart.  Let us not lean on our own lacking understanding, based from faulty fearful standpoints.  But let us go at each challenge in the knowledge that God is handling all, and that perfectly well. God has given to us the ability to be calm, loving, patient, forgiving. God lifts us above all the ‘story problems’ to higher ways and views, His!


1 Proverbs 3:5
2 Psalms 14:1   

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