God takes away the belief in other powers. His omnipotence, constant Love and Goodness are the antipode that heals the false claims of screaming tyrants. Where God fills all space, and He does, there is no other power to oppose His purpose and plan for Mankind.
In praying about this blog and the situations that face mankind first Matthew 24: 4-31from the King James Bible came to my thought. This passage brings frightening words of caution from our Master, Christ Jesus concerning the rumor of wars and the final conflict. Despair, turmoil, fear, despondency started to take over my thought but as always prayer lifts our spirit to His Love and reveals to us His tender constant care no matter what happens today or any other day. His Love will never change. His protection is omnipotent and ever present. His guidance and deliverance is a sure promise to those who watch and pray to Him. Knowing that He is all Good.
Turning to God for comfort and guidance the Christian Science Hymnal was opened up and the words that ministered, directed, lifted my spirit were these:
“Lift up thy light, O man, arise and
Steadfast while loud the storms of life
assail;Immortal ray of that great Light divine,
'Gainst whose all-power no tempest shall prevail.
Hold high thy lamp above earth's
restless tides,
Beacon of hope to those who watch afar.Falsehood and fear shall pass, but Truth abides;
Thine be the splendor of her deathless star.
Should the world's sin and sorrow round
thee rave,
Pierce thou the dark with Truth's
undaunted ray,Send out its light of joy to help and save,
That more and more shines to the perfect day.”1
No matter if there are rumor of wars,
threat of wars, wars, or the ugly fears of any kind that tries to ruin our day. We are to lift up our attitude and thought to
His Light of Life and Love. We are to
let our “light so shine before men, that they may see our good works, and
glorify our Father which is in heaven.” And to remember Christ Jesus’ precious
words, “Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets, I am not
come to destroy, but to fulfil.”2
Instead of running and hiding under the
covers, fearing the gloom and doom of the threats that constantly try to hide our
purpose, as His rays of Light; let us go out and share His Truth to the poor in
spirit, giving courage to the fearful.
Let us go out into the world and let our light so shine so those who
have forgotten they are the children of God can remember and rejoice. Let us lift others up in these times of woe
and despair. Let us shine forth His Love
and tender considerations to those who do not know their purpose here on
earth. Let us be constantly grateful
that we do remember and can help others do the same. Let us even fight the temptation to fear or
mourn what hasn’t even occurred yet.
the truth of God’s omnipotence in our own thoughts. Hold at bay in our own consciousness the
screams of the false tyrants that make us afraid. Stand firm with the Truth of God’s constant
omnipotent care. Remember nothing can kill God, who
is Life, or His image and likeness Man. Know that nothing can actually take our Life
or joy away, for it is spiritual and eternal not mortal or temporal. Reflect
Life, Love, Truth knowing that no power can destroy these synonyms for God,
Principle. Rejoice
that God IS and the false fears and foes ARE NOT.
“It matters not what be thy lot,
So Love doth guide;For storm or shine, pure peace is thine,
Whate'er betide.
And of these stones, or tyrants' thrones,
God able is
To raise up seed — in thought and deed —
To faithful His.”3
In times of turmoil, fear, woe, doubt,
let us be courageous in His Spirit, knowing who and what Love is, God. He will lift us above. He will protect and guide. Let us be His shining ray that helps others to
see and remember His constant omnipotent care.
Gentle hug
1 Christian Science Hymnal Hymn No. 172
2 The King James Version of the Bible
Matthew 5 vs 16 and 17 3 Poem by Mary Baker Eddy called Satisfied found in several places including the Christian Science Hymnal Nos. 160, 161, 162
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