Saturday, April 27, 2013

Testimony--God's all-inclusive Love

Today while driving around town and enjoying everything I was seeing I viewed a couple baking in the sun holding up a sign for some kind of need. I couldn't read the sign and I left the drive-thru parking lot with cold coke in hand. All of a sudden an angel message said, "Go back and get them a drink and some food." I am not rich monetarily, far from it. But I am rich in Love and try very hard to be good at listening and being obedient. I made my way back through the traffic, through the line, with soda and sack I turned the corner to where the couple had been and they were gone.

One would be tempted to berate themselves as if they didn't 'hear right' or that they didn't pray right. But I wouldn't let my thoughts go there. I knew what I had heard and I had been instantly obedient to the original message. I kept praying about who then should I share this drink and food. I saw a few homeless but traffic or timing didn't allow me to be able to pass this food off to them. I drove and drove around. The usual homeless or needy had disappeared. There was no one to be found! It was if they had all gone to lunch.

I prayed even more when discouragement started setting in or thoughts of 'why'? Then I heard another angel message, "My Love is for everyone not just one or two that you can help out on an occasion. I am ever present, ever-loving, ever-caring Love who is here for everyone. Now enjoy your sandwich and fries."

About then my husband, who 'knows' me and knew what was going on, turned to me and asked, "Want a sandwich?" I immediately said, “Yes!” We shared the food. I enjoyed the thoughts of God's Love for all mankind a lot more than the food. I embraced everyone I saw the rest of the ride in God's precious Love for us all, including me.

It was a very dear lesson.

“Love is impartial and universal in its adaptation and bestowals.”1

Today I got to let go of a finite sense of supply, a personal sense of me doing something to help God, as if He needed any help, and I got to see God’s all-inclusive Love wiping out all need of every sort.

“This human sense of Deity yields to the divine sense, even as the material sense of personality yields to the incorporeal sense of God and man as the infinite Principle and infinite idea—as one Father with His universal family, held in the gospel of Love.”2

I’m more than grateful for this view of God’s precious Love for all of His beloved Man.

“How gentle God's commands,
How kind His precepts are;
Come, cast your burdens on the Lord,
And trust His constant care.
Beneath His watchful eye
His saints securely dwell;
That hand which bears creation up
Shall guard His children well..”3

Gentle Hugs

1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 13 line 2
2 ibid page 577 line 3
3 Christian Science Hymnal Hymn No. 124

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