Monday, April 15, 2013

His care is with us...turn on TRUST and see

Having fear and trust issues isn’t fun.  Having power issues is self-induced bondage.  Feeling responsible for everyone’s well being can be taxing.  Living life as if everything depends on one person, YOU, can make us all feel frustrated, burdened, and resentful. Ever feel like that you’re the parent of everybody?  Then who’s taking care of you? It can be like holding onto a tiger’s tail for dear life.  Not knowing how to let go of its tail or when you’ll be eaten by it can make life pretty miserable.

Once when operating a pipeline painting company I could see that the cash reserves were dwindling. The big job that we were on wasn’t going to be accomplished before I ran out of money.  No money meant no supplies, no payroll, no room and board for the guys on the road. I was sweating the possibilities of real trouble. It was at that time I began my course in Trust.  Through studying the Holy Bible and the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, my church books, I was learning more and more about God and trust. A God that we can trust no matter what the challenge or circumstance seemed to be.  I started getting a clearer picture of how God is our Parent, a divine perfect Father-Mother, God.  A Parent we can trust, love, and turn to no matter when or for what. By learning to trust in God as our divine Care Giver, as our perfect Parent, I was gaining a little more each day why I should trust in God and not myself.

The outward appearances were frightening.  I had employees and their families depending on ME.  I could not have people work as hard as our guys did and then not pay them. Every time I became afraid or burdened by the heavy responsibility I turned to God in earnest prayer. When the fear of this future lack would fill my thoughts I would turn to God and say, “Father, I cannot wait to see what You have planned.”  I did this often for weeks.  Finally on a payroll day, without the funds, I was in the shower.  Once again the fear bubbled up. The deadline was there, the money wasn’t, and still no answer to how I was going to pay my bills and the employees.  But I stood firm in my prayer that God was taking care of all things and all of us. I stated out loud right there in the shower, “Father, I cannot wait to see HOW YOU are going to do this.”  And I meant it!

After my shower and getting ready for the day, praying every step of the way, I went to the mail box.  Looking at the many pieces of mail I came across an envelope from my insurance company. It looked like there was a check inside. I couldn’t understand why there would be a check from them.  Usually they were one of my biggest bills.  Opening it up out in the drive, I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There was a check for a very a large amount.  Included with the check was a letter explaining that it had come to their attention that they had over charged me the year before.  The amount of the check covered not only payroll for that pay period but all the other bills till we were finished with the job and received payment for it.

How did it come to their attention?  Why would they send me a check?  Usually they just took it off the bill for the next year.  God! His All-knowing, all-expressing, tender care; God does know all and does all, always. God does take care of everything.  God is in all of the details, big and small.  By knowing this and turning to this we all can see His constant care.  

Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, states, “Step by step will those who trust Him find that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.’”1

Through prayer and listening I had taken each of those fears that had hit me, sometimes hard, and removed them with the simple statement to God that I couldn’t wait to see His answer.  It wasn’t a desperate plea to an unknown God.  It was a prayer stating a fact through renewed knowledge and trust in God as Love.  A statement of fact that He was right there loving us all.

The KEY to this challenge and may others after it was the realization that I am not, we are not, responsible for this person or that problem.  We are not, God is.  It is God’s universe, God’s people, God’s plan, God’s Life.  We’re His beloved children.  Children do not have to come up with the answers.  Children trust, love, learn, watch, and receive.

 “When as little children, we are receptive, become willing to accept the divine Principle and rule of being, as unfolded in divine Science, the interpretation therein will be found to be the Comforter that leadeth into all truth.”2

The words, “the divine Principle and rule of being” reveals a divine Principle and rule that we can always turn to and be healed by.  The Principle that God is All-in-all and the rule that His care is constant lifts us above the scary and burdensome.  We can “become willing to accept” this divine Principle and rule and be free to see the Comforter in action leading us “into all truth”.

His Love is eternal and infinite. His answers are perfect and timely.  His ability is complete and unfailing. God never leaves us, never stops leading us, never stops tending to us.  We are His children…why would any parent, especially the Perfect and Divine Parent ever leave a child untended to, uncared for, left alone?  They wouldn’t and He doesn’t.  We must remember He is always with us and He always is taking care of us.  We have nothing to fear only to enjoy.

“Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness…For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”3

Let us turn to Him today and feel His loving presence and constant care.

Gentle hug

1 Science and Health with key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 4
2 Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy page 189 line 3
3 King James Version of the Holy Bible Isaiah 41:10

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