Wednesday, May 8, 2013

God's Freedom or Burdened with a load of Care??

Burdened? Or Free?

“O ye beneath life's crushing load
Whose forms are bending low,
Who toil along the climbing way
With painful steps and slow;
Look now, for glad and golden hours
Come swiftly on the wing;
O rest beside the weary road,
And hear the angels sing.”1

The burdens we feel as weights around our necks, bands tight in our chest is from the false beliefs that we, as the children of God, have to do something outside of God’s tender, loving, constant care. It is us getting in the way, the divine Way, and trying to ‘fix’ things. As if we have the power to fix anything beyond our scope of understanding. God is the One and only Mind.
This Mind knows all, therefore does all, and expresses this Allness through His Idea, Man. God IS and we are the reflections of What He IS. We cannot be or do anything that God Is Not. God is NOT burdened, uncomfortable, unhappy, overloaded. God is free and man is the expression of that freedom. God is not heavy with fear, doubt, or concerned. Therefore man is lifted above all discomfort when he realizes that these false claims of heaviness is a load thrown upon us by the false beliefs of a life separate from Good, God.

As soon as we turn our care over to Him who has no care, we are freed. Our liberty comes from the realization that only What God knows and is doing is the real. We are the reflections, as the offspring of God, of this freedom and liberty in the Life of God.

As Christ Jesus eloquently spoke, “I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”2 We too can of our own selves do nothing! Therefore we must turn hourly to God and look to Him for all answers/solutions to our problems.

The devil, evil, error, mistaken beliefs, and opinions lead us into believing that life has constant problems and challenges. We are lead to believe that we have no good answer or healing ability. This constant burden of belief is lifted off of us as we turn it all over to God, Good. By seeing that only God’s Life is actual, the burden of evil are lifted off of us and disappears. This freedom of thought and then in action, comes from the understanding that God, Good, is All-in-all and that evil is nothing but suggestions, fears, doubts and beliefs. When we become more accustomed to turning to and trusting in Good the evil suggestions that loom so large disappear in their native air of nothingness.

“Darkness and chaos are the imaginary opposites of light, understanding, and eternal harmony, and they are the elements of nothingness.”3

“A lie has only one chance of successful deception,--to be accounted true. Evil seeks to fasten all error upon God, and so make the lie seem part of eternal Truth.
      Emerson says, ‘Hitch your wagon to a star.’ I say, Be allied to the deific power, and all that is good will aid your journey, as the stars in their courses fought against Sisera. (Judges v. 20) Hourly, in Christian Science, man thus weds himself with God, or rather he ratifies a union predestinated from all eternity; but evil ties its wagonload of offal to the divine chariots,--or seeks so to do,--that its vileness may be christened purity; and its darkness get consolation from borrowed scintillations.”4  

When we stop doing things (or trying to do things) on our own without God’s unfoldment, direction, manifestation, we will stop leading ourselves and others astray. We falsely burden ourselves and those around us with a load of care that brings us down and makes us uncomfortable and possibly ill. We feel this burden in tangible ways through the weight of the world, or sickness, or both. We take on the world and its problems without real solutions because we try to handle everything on our own. The only way to stop this pointless process is to go hourly, moment by moment to God. Then to follow His lead, His directions, we overcome both the fear and doubt, the burdens of false conclusions, and lift above all the problems into His Kingdom of Heaven, Life as all expressing Good.

By understanding that God is All, doing All, giving to us All we can see and live, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.”5

Let us let go of the false pretenses of the devil, the error in statement and actions opposing to God’s allness. Let us turn to, lean upon, expect the Allness of God’s Good and be free of the false burdens. Let us find this freedom in God’s Goodness and His ways and live a life not loaded with care but as a blessing that He gives to us all.

We can see that we are free born, the expressions of divine Goodness, as we live in the Truth, God’s Allness and our Oneness to Him.

Gentle Hugs

1 Christian Science Hymnal No. 158 vs. 2
2 The King James Version of The Holy Bible John 5 vs. 30  
3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 479 line 25
4 Unity of Good by Mary Baker Eddy page 17 lines 1-12
5 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Philippians 4 vs. 13

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