Saturday, May 25, 2013

Already Created Good

Is there anything actually ‘new’? or are ‘new’ things just discovered? Dis-covered, found, realized, seen, understood?

In Genesis chapter 1 and the first three verses of Genesis chapter 2 God created all in the seven days of creation. To most the number seven represents completeness, finished, whole, all that is needed. When one looks to these verses one can see a complete creation of man, animals, water, light and universe, the Allness of All. This creation in its wholeness was pronounced as ‘very good’.

When we see life in this divinely scientific way we can see that nothing in it that was created was evil, less than good. Therefore where does evil and its representation come from? It doesn’t when one sees and realizes that “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.”1

Everything that was made was made by God and it was very good. The Good of God’s creating didn’t include evil of any sort.

When we magnify Good as the All of All everything else becomes less and less to the point of diminishing and disappearing back into nothing. Good is All-in-all. Bad, evil, the opposite of Good therefore has to be the unreal of the Divine Real.

When we magnify Good as the All-in-all, the Divine Real becomes more and more real to us. The wrong, error, bad, the opposite of the Real, evil then becomes a mistaken belief. In this magnification of Good, evil, the unreal disappears.

God, Good, already created all and all was proclaimed ‘very good’, therefore as we magnify the Good, the Real in our thoughts, Good becomes more real to us in our day to day lives than the mistaken beliefs of bad or evil.

What would be the benefit in that? A life more representative of the Real, the Good of God becoming more real to us! Our lives would be based more upon the truth of Being as created by the all wonderful good God. The evils, errors, misrepresentations would therefore diminish, lessen, disappear. Our lives then would be more in accord to the Real than the unreal. Our lives would become more fully the representation of Good, God. This is the true blessing of Love, God. That He created all Good for Man and the Universe to live and enjoy. What could be bad about that? Nothing!

Magnify Love’s work, all the Good of God’s creation. Live Life, God, as His witness to His Good and rejoice. STOP magnifying the unreal, the bad of everything and start living a life of Good!

Gentle hug
1 The King James Version of the Holy Bible Genesis 1 vs. 31

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