Friday, May 24, 2013

Depressed, sad, fearful? Get inspired

Feeling sluggish, down, depressed, sad, grieving over something or someone? Are you concerned, worried, confused? Get inspired. Inspiration lifts our thoughts, lives, and work.

Many who are in the depths of despair do not know how to get out of the darkness. But if they would let in the light of inspiration…just a little light and then more and more…they would find there is a way out of depression, grief, even addictions caused by the thoughts of utter hopelessness.

How? By turning to the Light of God, the Light of Love, the joy of divine Life. How? By turning to God’s Word found in The Holy Bible, even if at first it is hard to understand it lifts thought. The activity of lifting thought to higher views, Divine views, lets in the Light that removes the darkness off of us. By reading, thinking, letting the words become clearer in our understanding, we gain dominion over the darkness.

The darkened thought seems self-perpetuating. But as darkness is removed instantly with light, thought enlightened removes the doubts, fears, and depressions. Even the smallest of light of a candle when lit transforms that area with light. When more candles are lit sight begins to become easier. Sight is a form of understanding. When we see something more clearly then understanding is becoming more evident.

Revelations, through reading the Word of God, brings our understanding from the lowest standpoint to high inspirations. This brings in the light into thought and lifts us above the dismal and dark to a better understanding and therefore more joy and happiness.

In Job, the 18th book of The Holy Bible in the Old Testament, we find, “…there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.”1

And in II Thessalonians we read, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”2

Mary Baker Eddy, the discover and founder of Christian Science states in her textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, “We cannot fathom the nature and quality of God's creation by diving into the shallows of mortal belief. We must reverse our feeble flutterings — our efforts to find life and truth in matter — and rise above the testimony of the material senses, above the mortal to the immortal idea of God. These clearer, higher views inspire the God-like man to reach the absolute centre and circumference of his being.
              Job said: "I have heard of Thee by the hearing of the ear:  but now mine eye seeth Thee." Mortals will echo Job's thought, when the supposed pain and pleasure of matter cease to predominate. They will then drop the false estimate of life and happiness, of joy and sorrow, and attain the bliss of loving unselfishly, working patiently, and conquering all that is unlike God.  Starting from a higher standpoint, one rises spontaneously, even as light emits light without effort; for "where your treasure is, there will your heart be also."3

When we ‘dive into the shallows of mortal belief’ we are listening to, agreeing with, and acknowledging as fact the thoughts of darkness. This brings us nothing good and only pain, sorrow, and destruction through the addictions of either only listening to the darkened thought and or following the effects of those thoughts further into our personal demise of joy, happiness, and maybe of our life.

Depression is a poison. It leads life into fatal destructive thoughts and patterns. It leads no one into the light of Love as the Life, God, Good, does.

One of the best meanings of ‘depression’ is lack of spirit. It is a lack of understanding Spirit, God. When we start seeing and turning to God as Spirit, we, as God’s image and likeness, find we already have this perfect Spirit. We find that when we acknowledge Spirit as a part of us, we begin to manifest more of our spirit in the spirit of joy, the spirit of love, the spirit of happiness, the spirit of fortitude and goodness. When the temptations of dark thoughts come to us what we most need is to turn away from those patterns and thoughts by turning to God.

Spirit saves us from the symptoms of depression and their effects; such as, the use of drugs, alcohol, ‘shopping therapy’, gambling, or eating. To treat the dark thoughts of depression, what we need is not these mind numbing activities but more Spirit, God.

How? Through prayer. Praying is a conversation between God and Man, from God to Man. It is turning to God for the right thoughts of His perfect design and creation instead of the dark thoughts of dismal outlook. Praying inspires us with higher views. Praying consoles us, lifts our thoughts, makes us see things differently. Praying brings new channels of thoughts and therefore activities into our lives.

Prayer is the simplest form of speech
That infant lips can try;
And prayer's sublimest strain doth reach
The Majesty on high.
Prayer is the Christian's vital breath,
The Christian's native air:
His watchword, overcoming death:
He enters heaven with prayer.”4

“He enters heaven with prayer.” When we pray and listen for the Voice of Good, the voice of God, it lifts us above all darkness into the light, the light of heaven! 

It is highly important then when we see the distance between darkness and light to go towards the lifting, inspiring effects of the Light and Life of God. It is worthy of our thoughts and time to exercise our dominion over the darkness of dismal thinking. It is for ours and others well being and happiness to glorify God and His wonderful activities. We can see how lifting our spirits above the darkening thoughts through prayer can utterly change our life.

“God giveth light to all
Who ask with prayer sincere;
He doth not fail to hear that call;
His Truth is ever near.
Plain shall His guidance be,
If thou but seek the right;
Clearly thy pathway thou shalt see,
A line of purest light.

God is thy light and health;
No death nor darkness there;
Turn but to Him, accept His wealth,
And all His glory share.”5

Gentle hug

1 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Job 32 vs. 8
2 ibid II Thessalonians 3 vss. 16, 17
3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures page 262 lines 14-26
4 Christian Science Hymnal No. 284 vss. 2, 3
5 ibid No. 70

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