Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We are 'Note Worthy' in God's Grand Plan!

We have become lulled by the serpent liar to believe that we are just lowly, who cares, people that are struggling or have quit even trying to be the grandness that God has created in each of us!  We think that Noah, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Elisha, Jacob, David, Ruth, Mary, Jesus, Paul, Martin Luther, and to some of us Mary Baker Eddy, just name a few, are the shining stars of God and the rest of us are just here to fill up space, dull bulbs in the universe. But this is totally untrue!

Each one of us are the shining lights of God just as the above mentioned. Each one of us are ‘note worthy’. Each one of us are as important in God’s grand design. But by being fooled into believing that they are important and we’re just failing or hopefully succeeding mortals, lulls us into believing that our lives and work isn't as important. Because of this we do not see our part in the beauty of God’s Wonderfulness, His perfect unfoldment of Life, our grand part!
We are the reflections of God. We are not dull bulbs, but radiant lights reflecting His Light of Life, Truth, and Love. If His radiancy was bright in some and dull in others God would look like Swiss cheese or like pictures of the dark side of the moon filled with pockets of craters of darkness and small segments of light. But this isn’t true! We are all note worthy, all important, all radiant lights!  Therefore we must step up and take our place, that only position that we can be and do, and start reflecting as bright and brilliant as the others.

How? By wrestling with the lies, opinions, fears, doubts just as Jacob did, Jesus, Moses, and all the others. Jacob wrestles the devil until the break of dawn in his thought where he saw the difference between the wrong of the darkness of his ways and the light of Truth and Love. It was so bright and clear to him, it was so life changing that even God gave him a new name, Israel.

“Moses said unto the Lord, O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue. And the Lord said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the Lord? Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.”1

Moses handled his fear, doubt and lack of understanding of who he was as the child idea of God. He went step by step with God doing what he was meant to do, the plan of the Holy Spirit.  We too must do our part. We must wrestle with the error in our thought, the belief that others are designed for greatness but we’re just struggling mortals not doing all that much in the big picture. We must get up every day ready for the fight and the win over the liar and become who we were meant to be, Note Worthy, able, precious in the fight.

“It is your province to wrestle with error, to handle the serpent and bruise its head;…”2

The word ‘province’ means office, business, and I add ‘duty to’ wrestle with the liar, the devil, the serpent, error, mistaken belief, fears, aggressive mental suggestions. It is our right, our duty, our ability through the Christ to wrestle with and handle the lies that come to our thoughts everyday and win the battle that tries to hide our bright light in God’s perfect design.

God has given to each and everyone their place as His perfect brilliant reflection. Let us stop being fooled into being less than who we were created to be. Let us everyday step up alongside with the 'great ones' and be grand reflections of God. We are to light the world more brightly with the Light of God. Divine Mind, God, is waiting for us to be who He created, His shining Lights of Love.

Gentle hugs

1 The King James Version of the Holy Bible Exodus 4 vss. 10-12
2 Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy pg 336 partial sentence on lines 4-5

The full sentence by Mary Baker Eddy:
“It is our province to wrestle with error, to handle the serpent and bruise its head; but you cannot as a Christian Scientist, resort to stones and clubs—year, to matter—to kill the serpent of a material mind.” Miscellaneous Writings by Mary Baker Eddy page 336 lines 4-7



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