Monday, March 18, 2013

Spiritual Attitude brings Spritual Altitude--Higher Views

Do you ever hear a voice within yourself saying, “I am no good; I am ugly; I am fat; I am old; I am poor; I’m stupid; I’m not good enough; My education is lacking; I am unworthy; I’m a failure; who would want me; I do not have enough money; I can’t, I can’t, I can’t…etc. etc. etc.”?  This kind of attitude doesn’t bring joy, fruition, happiness, progress.  This kind of attitude is self-hypnotic and damaging to the good that we are. This kind of attitude undermines us into apathy, lethargy, depression.  It makes us feel less than who we are and how we should feel about ourselves.

This kind of attitude isn’t the spiritual altitude that God has placed us and views us.  We need to look up and see a higher view of ourselves.

It is said, “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:”1

Does the ugly downward thinking sound like the man that God made ‘a little lower than the angels’? What does this mean to our thinking?  Doesn’t it mean that we need to stop the self-hypnotic thoughts of ‘I can’t’ or ‘I’m not’ and start thinking about ourselves as the highest ranking creation of God?

“God expresses in man the infinite idea forever developing itself, broadening and rising higher and higher from a boundless basis. Mind manifests all that exists in the infinitude of Truth. We know no more of man as the true divine image and likeness, than we know of God.”2

We need to gain a broader basis of thinking.  Thoughts and understanding that brings us from the low self-hypnotic rehearsal of negativity to the spiritual attitude that lifts thought to higher and higher spiritual altitudes.  It is the same way a bird goes from walking around in a mud puddle to flying higher and higher soaring through the atmospheric altitudes way above the highest trees.  We must lift thought our ways.

How? By looking to God in prayer, allowing God’s thoughts to lift us to a higher understanding of His view of us.  Let us look to God’s higher thoughts of His creation, Man. Through a better understanding of God we can lift our spirit from the negative weights that keep us from our highest selfhood. Higher images of thoughts about God and ourselves lift us to higher spiritual altitudes. 

When we realize God’s beauty, goodness, joy is ours by reflection.  We begin to get a better understanding of His perfect creation, Man.  This raises our consciousness to His higher ways and our existence as He sees us.  This better light of understanding lifts us up. It is like going above the dark and gloomy clouds to see the radiancy and brightness of the sunlight.  As we begin to see God as all Love, the Perfect Being, the Law of existence, and man in always and forever included in this Highest Being, we are lifted above the dismal views of self-doubt.  We are lifted above the downward tendencies of negativity through the understanding of God as being All-in-all.  As we begin to practice this higher way of thinking, our lives are lifted as well.

When the negativity tries to make us falter and go back down to that lower position of thought, let us lift our eyes back to what God is doing and seeing.  Let us let this activity of recognition bring us back to our higher views of ourselves and others.  Let us continually look up to our higher selves and see what this brings into our daily circumstances.  We do not have to continually wallow in the mud of negative thinking.  We can soar and sing to higher thoughts and purposes.

From these Thy children gathered in Thy name,
From hearts made whole, from lips redeemed from woe,
Thy praise, O Father, shall forever flow.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!

O perfect Life, in Thy completeness held,
None can beyond Thy omnipresence stray;
Safe in Thy Love, we live and sing alway
Alleluia!  Alleluia!

O perfect Mind, reveal Thy likeness true,
That higher selfhood which we all must prove,
Joy and dominion, love reflecting Love.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!

Thou, Soul, inspiring — give us vision clear,
Break earth-bound fetters, sweep away the veil,
Show the new heaven and earth that shall prevail.
Alleluia!  Alleluia!3

Gentle hugs

1 Ps 8:4-6
2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 258 line 13
3 Christian Science Hymnal No. 66

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