Saturday, March 2, 2013

'Ignorance isn't bliss'

After driving through the United States once, I was SHOCKED at how many laws I had broken without knowing it.  Each state having their own laws can be so different from one state line to the next on certain issues.  I hadn't taken the time to check.
Have you ever driven into a state without knowing all of their laws?  Afterwards, or when we get into trouble, we realize that we have broken several laws without intent? 
Saying, “I didn’t know they had that law,” as we get a ticket doesn’t stop the law or the punishment. Whose fault would it be, ours for not knowing or the state for having the law?  Ignorance isn’t an excuse when it comes to laws.  We are responsible for learning the laws of the land and then following them.  There are ways to learn these laws but we have to take the time to search for them, study them, and memorize them so that we do not forget and break them.

Just as there are laws of the land, there are also Divine Laws.  When we break them, even unintentionally, we are penalized for them. As long as we keep breaking them we are in the wrong and we then pay a price.  To acknowledge that they are there but then not to follow them doesn’t free us from the cost of breaking them.  We must know them and obey them.

The very first and utmost Divine Law, a Law that a majority of people have read and have been taught is, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”  This ‘me’ is God, Love, the Creator, the One All and only Good.  When we find other things, people, jobs, activities more pressing, more important, more attractive, we are actually breaking a law, a Divine Law.  Those who do not pay attention to this law or doesn’t realize its validity is no less immune to the penalties. Just as one who drives through a state that has a law such as ‘hands free’ cell phone usage and doesn’t obey that law.  
When life seems like we are hitting brick walls, one after another.  When life seems harder than it should be, filled with obstacles, hardships, disappointments, we need to find out the spiritual Divine Law that we are breaking and stop it.  We need to realize that if life is hard it is probably because we’re making it that way. By not knowing and turning to, following and obeying a Divine Law we’re making our lives harder.

It is like turning a page and trying to read the words upside down.  Most of us can do it. After many years of reading this way it would seem normal. But it is harder. We would have to work at it.  It is disconnected and slower for our brains.  Life could be so much less of a hassle. 
Life can be more productive, more rewarding if we knew the Creator’s ways, means, laws, and directions.  Things could be calmer, more gentle, easier.  Let’s go back to the very first commandment.  If we had only one God and that God was Good, Love, the Truth, intelligence; and, if we followed God towards every question, receiving Good as an answer, why would we want to work so hard?  Because as errant children we think that we won’t get our own way, our own object, intent, or good.  Like disobedient children we keep trying to do it our way with the frustrations, anger, disappointments that disobedience brings…’how’s that working for us’?

God knows all because He created all.  God is Good and His way, intent, love is to give us all Good.  All we have to do is learn His Divine Laws, follow them to the letter and obey.  The reward?  Good! 

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