Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Busy day? Or a day of 'rest'?

“My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.”1 

Do we ever feel like as soon as our feet hit the floor we are running?  Do we ever feel like that we do not have enough time in the day to accomplish our massive list of ‘to do’s’?  Do we ever feel like we need more of ourselves to get things accomplished? Do we wish that we had at least a secretary, nanny, housekeeper, and assistant to help us?

Then we need to take a vacation from our false sense of schedule and get back to Who’s day it is.  Every day is God’s day.  His schedule is calm, peaceful, quiet, full and complete of all understanding and intelligence.  His day is filled with all the perfect ways to accomplish what He has planned.  We need to give the day back to the One who has planned it.  We need to follow God instead of trying to do the day’s dance by leading it.

We accidentally try to take His day and run it.  But instead all it has done is run us into the ground, frustrating ourselves with complicated to do lists and tiresome schedules.  We need to learn the word, “No.” Using this word on ourselves first and then everything else that comes along trying to strangle our hours with too much business.  We need to find His perfect Balance, His perfect Plan, His perfect ideas, and follow Him.

The above quote states, “My presence shall go with thee…”  Is this how our day looks?  A day filled with His peaceful presence? Or is our day so full we cannot even hear ourselves think?  Then the promise, “I will give thee peace” is being missed.  We must stop living our day and start expressing His day. When we turn our days back over to the one and only Life, God, we will regain the right position of God, Mind, and Man, as His complete useful Idea.  We will start expressing a day filled with intelligence, wisdom, ability, and regain a sense of uncomplicated peace.

Today, in the United States, is early. But it is never to late in the day to give the day back to the one and only Planner, God.  Let us put today in His hands and see how much easier and how much more gets accomplished.  Make our thoughts go towards Him instead of the to do list.  Let us take the time to turn to Him, who has the perfect Day Planner, and look to Love to fill our day with useful activity wrapped in Peace.

Gentle Hugs

Day by day the promise reads,
Daily strength for daily needs:
Cast foreboding fears away;
Take the manna of today.

Lord, my times are in Thy hand:
All my sanguine hopes have planned,
To Thy wisdom I resign,
And would mold my will to Thine.

Thou my daily task shalt give;
Day by day to Thee I live;
So shall added years fulfill
Not my own, my Father's will. 2
1 Exodus 33:14 (My)
2 Christian Science Hymnal No. 46 verses 2-4



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