Sunday, March 31, 2013

Everyday is a day of Gladness!

It is said by Mary Baker Eddy, “Happiness consists in being and in doing good; only what God gives, and what we give ourselves and others through His tenure, confers happiness: conscious worth satisfies the hungry heart, and nothing else can.”1

Has happiness and gladness seemed illusive, sometimes playing a disappearing act on you?  Happiness comes in doing good, God’s Good.  Happiness is what we give to ourselves and others by doing the highest sense of Good. By seeing that good isn’t selfish, self-centered, but the ultimate of sharing what is divinely Good.  It blesses us all by doing and being Good. It brings to everyone a Divine vision where God’s Glory is the purpose and motive. 

Today Christians celebrate this day of Easter not for the ham dinner, the egg hunts, or the frivolity, but for the Good that Christ Jesus revealed through his extreme action of Love.  He knew what the ultimate purpose was when he let the people try to kill the mortal body.  He knew that it was for the ‘greatest good for the greatest number’. He allowed the ugliest moment in human history to occur.  He had many other times walked through the crowds that wanted to stone him. But he knew that it was the time to break forth the light of eternal life by showing the nothingness of the ‘crowd mentality’ that thought it could end Life.  He knew that Life is God, our Life, our God.  He knew that Life is eternal, perfect, precious and all Good.  He knew that the demonstration of the resurrection would lift thought to higher ideals and purposes in individual and collective lives. Christ Jesus knew that it was the plan of the Fathers that he was to be used for not only God’s healing revelation but also the revelation of eternal Life. 

We may not have to go through a martyr situation.  But every time we give and share Good, glorifying Life as Good, we tear away the curtain of dismal views and beliefs about life in general. We lift all those around us to a higher sense of happiness, joy and Good.

Is it too much to ask to live and share Good?  This happiness of ‘being and doing good’ is given to us by God, Good, to be shared with all.  Is this too much to ask?

Let us be and share Good.  It is the ultimate healing activity.  It breaks oppression, depression and the darkness that tries to hide the light of Good. Let us let this Good resurrect our lives to higher purposes, ways and thoughts.

Gentle hug

1 Message to The Mother Church 1902 page 17 lines 22-25

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