Monday, March 11, 2013

Childlike is not childish!--Edited

While watching a commercial of two children enjoying something they were eating, I was impressed by the little girl’s utter innocent joy.  Sitting with her companion she was a vision of how we should be, childlike in the ‘now’ of any experience.  Her delighted face beamed with appreciation of her companion and the food she was sharing.  Her little eyes lit in joy and her sweet smile radiating her happiness. She was innocent, without taint, without concern, without trying to be something or someone she isn’t.  She was simply her perfect self.

We are pounded into believing that we are to never be childish.  That we must grow up and “smell the coffee”, that we’re to be ‘street-wise’, that we are not to be naïve. As we grow up we become aggressive about wanting to be like everyone else, to be adults, and to not be different or standout. After all we cannot and do not want to be childish, immature. 

But to be childlike is so far from childish.  It is to be joyful, happy, gracious, kind, loving, playful, honest, forgiving.  To be childlike, is to be the who that we are as unique wonderful individuals, before we were taught to ‘grow up’.  It is to be innocent, kind, loving, before we were taught to be ‘street-wise’, cynical, perhaps even dishonest so that we could get ahead.  To be childlike is to be free of constraint in the sameness of others.  It is to be extraordinary individuals. 

It is said, “Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.” 1

Have you ever noticed how many people who have problems loving others can so easily adore children? It is as if there are two kinds of humans…children who are much loved and adults who are much disliked.  As if humanity somehow gets lost somewhere between childhood and adulthood. A line is crossed and the lovability of man gets lost in the translation between these chubby cheeked cherubs and the chiseled lines of adulthood.

Loving, cherishing, being sweet to children has to point to an important message to us all.  First that we need to go back to the who that we are, children of God.  Secondly, to love others as they are, children of God. And third, the importance of not losing our childlikeness, our childlike trust, love, joy, preciousness.  The more we look through the eyes of who we are, the children of God, we can see that there is joy and peace from that outlook on life.  It is freeing to feel a sense of trust in a higher source of Good.  It is precious to be able to enjoy life as it is given to us, without the burdens of fear, ego, and false pressures.

"Beloved children, the world has need of you, — and more as children than as men and women: it needs your innocence, unselfishness, faithful affection, uncontaminated lives. You need also to watch, and pray that you preserve these virtues unstained, and lose them not through contact with the world. What grander ambition is there than to maintain in yourselves what Jesus loved, and to know that your example, more than words, makes morals for mankind!"2

Let us get back to our childlike nature.  Let us take steps back to our innocence, joy, happiness, through love, kindness, forgiveness, appreciation of others, honesty, goodness.  Let us regain what once seemed lost, our freedom to be who we are as wonderful unique ideas of God, His children.  Let us help others do the same, by seeing who they are as children, beloved extraordinary creatures of Love, God…spiritual hugs.   

Come, walk with Love along the way,
Let childlike trust be yours today;
Uplift your thought, with courage go,
Give of your heart's rich overflow,
And peace shall crown your joy-filled day.
Come, walk with Love along the way. 3

We are hugs. We are rays of His Love.  We are precious.  We are unique.  We are wonderful.  Let us enjoy ourselves in this Truth.

Gentle hugs

1 Matthew 18:3 (Christ Jesus’ admonition)
2 Miscellaneous Writings By Mary Baker Eddy pag 110 line 4
3 Christian Science Hymnal No. 139 Vs. 3

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