Wednesday, March 13, 2013

God is trustworthy...NOTHING is impossible to Him

It is said, “with God nothing shall be impossible.”1

The only way that we can follow this line of thinking is by trusting.  The only way we can trust anything or anyone is by magnifying their trustworthiness.  One would not and could not trust their money to a bank robber. One wouldn’t trust their home to an arsonist.  One wouldn’t trust their children to…you get the point.  So we must see that our trust must be placed in one who is trustable.  The only way we can trust God is to have as much knowledge, understanding and experience with this perfect All-knowing Mind and witness to His guidance in our days, weeks, months and years. 

The only way we can trust that ‘nothing is impossible’ to God is by turning to Him consistently, persistently, through higher and higher experiences.  Each step of the way His abilities, that guide our daily lives, are revealed as we turn to Him for all answers. In this consistency we do learn to trust Him for everything.  Through meekness, childlike trust, and through study of the Bible we see that God is ever-available, ever-present, the Omnipotent (all-powerful) Supreme Being that is here for us all to turn to and trust.  We learn that we must turn to Him for everything, for He is everything that there is.  He fills all-space as Spirit.  He creates all as Soul.  He knows all as Mind.  His gentleness is to be magnified because He is Love.  His Law is the Principle of the universe.  He is Life to all life.  The more we learn this the more we can see, feel, trust, and know that ‘nothing is impossible’ to God, The Truth.

“Trustworthiness is the foundation of enlightened faith.”2
The more we learn, study, grow in our understanding of God who is to be trusted we can see that all-things are possible to Him, there is nothing that He cannot do.  This includes healing us of all complications, all challenges, all issues that have made us feel less than perfect, whole, complete, healthy. God give to us a higher view of what and how He knows us.  We can trust this view.  This perfect view heals us.  There is nothing that God cannot heal.  God, being all-Good, brings to view our all-goodness.  He is ever-present, ever-available, ever-willing.  We can trust Him and His perfect viewpoint of us.  He sees us as we are, perfect.  We can turn to this view and be healed of anything and all.  We can see that ‘WITH God nothing shall be impossible’ to God.

Need healing?  Go to Him who is all Perfect, learn His ways, His perfect view of us all. Trust that His healing presence includes all, even you, me, us. WE can demonstrate that nothing is impossible to God.  We can turn to him and be healed.

"The Hebrew and Greek words often translated belief differ somewhat in meaning from that conveyed by the English verb believe; they have more the significance of faith, understanding, trust, constancy, firmness.  Hence the Scriptures often appear in our common version to approve and endorse belief, when they mean to enforce the necessity of understanding." 3
We must get more understanding so that we may exchange our beliefs to trust, doubt to faith, fear to constancy and firmness in the real of What God is...the Truth, Life, Mind, the power, ability, creator, the God who is Love. 
Nothing is impossible to God!  We can understand this and trust Him.

Gentle hugs
1 Luke 1:37
2 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy 15:30-31
3 ibid 488:7-13

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