Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Oh be still and seek Him...God is with the watchful

A favorite hymn begins with “O may we be still and seek Him, Seek with consecration whole, Listening thus to hear the message…”

When we are quiet, meek, humble…in ‘listening-mode”…we can better seek and find God’s healing ways and messages, His guidance of which way to go in His already planned day, week, life.

Christ Jesus went up the mountain to pray.  Often he would send the multitudes away so that he could quietly commune with God.  Sometimes he would take a certain few with him. But still he would set himself apart from the multitudes of things, people, and cries for his schedule and attention so that he could earnestly be still and listen.   Always he looked for God’s direction.  He knew and showed to us all that everything comes from God because God is All-in-all, perfect, harmonious, thought and activity, the Originator of all Life.  Because Christ Jesus was so attuned to God and His Allness, Jesus healed through this perfect relationship between God and His creation, Man.

When we are still and seek God, we too are attuned to God and His higher view.  All circumstances are harmonized, health is given, God’s perfection seen when we still our thought and look to Him who is all Good.  We become better witnesses to God’s manifestation and expression. 

His purpose for us all is to be what He created…reflections of His image and likeness, transparencies of His thought and activity, rays of His Light of Life and Love. 

The more we become set in our thinking upon Him, we become better listeners and followers. By staying out of the way, by removing our lacking views and agendas, and looking to Him we can see His beauty, grace and healing power everywhere. 

“He hath promised we shall find Him, Love divine its promise keeps; God is watching with the watchful, God is Life that never sleeps.”

As we learn to be better listeners and more watchful, we can see Love is all around us.  We see His hand gently guiding us all.  We feel His powerful presence.  We demonstrate His healing message.

May we be still and seek Him today.  May we be more fully aware of His promise that is being unfolded to us all.

O may we be still and seek Him,
Seek with consecration whole,
Listening thus to hear the message,
Far from sense and hid in Soul.

He hath promised we shall find Him,
Love divine its promise keeps;
God is watching with the watchful,
God is Life that never sleeps.

If we pray to Him in secret,
Lift to Him the heart's desire,
We shall find our earthly longings
All made pure by Love's pure fire.

Then upon the precious metal
God's own image will appear,
Faithfully to Him reflected,
One with Him forever near.

Christian Science Hymnal 237

Gentle hug

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