Tuesday, June 18, 2013


In the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy we find, “The physical universe expresses the conscious and unconscious thoughts of mortals.”1

So what is the physical universe expressing right now? Tornados, drought, flooding, fires, economic stresses, job losses, home foreclosures, and that is just in the United States of America. Those are pretty stressful conditions. On Facebook this morning I found one person’s post simply stating:
“S-T-R-E-S-S-E-D” That was to the point.

How do we turn the tides of thought and see Good instead of all this dismay and destruction? The simplest and life altering answer is that we must turn to God and trust Him. We must see that we can trust His ever-present Good. We must turn from trying to do everything on our own; Or sometimes worst yet, trying to find someone who can help us. Instead, we must SEE that God is giving to us abundantly and taking care of us. We must take a firm stand on the side of Good. Believing in the promises and taking a stand for His omnipotent care. He IS giving to us all that we need through His love, goodness, support, and joy.
Tired of fear and stress? We must finally stop looking at the darkness and turn to the Light of His Love, to the Light of His joy and giving. His tender care will free us from what we’re seeing as all-around evil and destruction and reveal to us His divine view point of Good. It delights God to love and give. His peace is ever-present.

By learning how to trust His power we become much more confident in Good instead of the horrible darkness of constant evil that seems to always be biting us at every step.
Why can this be said? Has anyone been successful, consistently, by turning to God? Is God real? Is He trustworthy? Does He know me and you?

Our Great Master and Exemplar revealed to mankind over and over this invisible Good as an ever-present help. Christ Jesus had the works of hatred always trying to take him down. But he revealed to us the omnipotence of our Father’s Love, His constant care. Jesus trusted in Good instead of its demoralizing opposite. He knew that God, Love, is loving all and expressing all through Love. He knew that God is All-in-all through his healings of every kind. He knew that God, Life, is the only Life and showed mankind through his raising others from their dead thinking. He knew that God, Principle, is the Law of our Being as the offspring of Soul. He knew that God, Soul, created all and that His creation was very good. He knew that God, Mind, is the power behind all right activity and that it is perfect, whole, balanced, complete, and free from all taint of error, mistake, ignorance, discord. He knew that what Mind knows and does is perfect and that Man is included in this divine perfect activity.

What Jesus knew and trusted he loved and expressed for all man to see and express likewise!

So when we trust in evil, bad going from bad to worse, struggles, instead of love, freedom, goodness, abundance, we get what we expect and what we think. How important then is it for us to turn our trust from the evil to the Good. Looking for Good, expecting to receive Good, manifesting in our thoughts and activities only Good! Jesus exampled this activity for us but didn’t do it for us. We must be as his disciples and produce the same effects, bring thought and lives up to the same standards of divine perfection, be the reflections of Good that we were created to be.

How? Christian Science teaches us that by loving God, Good, more than fearing evil we gain our dominion over all evils. It teaches us the Science of the Christ, the what and how of our Master Christian, Christ Jesus. It teaches us that by trusting Good instead of expecting the worst to happen in our day, we can see and live in the atmosphere of Good. It reveals to us how to be active trusters instead of halfhearted hopers. It teaches us HOW to take our stand for Good and HOW to demand of ourselves and our thoughts, our attention, to be on God, Love. It teaches us the importance of our praise of glory of Him who does all, created all, and expresses all through Man and His Universe. It teaches us that God is trustworthy. He is Love. He is always available. He is always waiting patiently for us, mercifully, tenderly.

So…Why not trust Love? Is it not that we think of love on a much lower level than God, Love? Haven’t we based our views upon people as our source of love, goodness, jobs, care? Hasn’t this basis been flimsy at best and downright devastating at times? Are we shell shocked at the vast chasm between true Love and Care and being dropped time and time again? People, bank accounts, jobs, houses, circumstances let us down when we base our good upon the mortal. Over and over they prove to be less than reliable. But isn’t that even more a reason for us to stop looking for care and supply from a lacking basis and start looking to the omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient God for our source of all Good?

Job warned: “So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hypocrite's hope shall perish: Whose hope shall be cut off, and whose trust shall be a spider's web. He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand: he shall hold it fast, but it shall not endure.”2

We must see where we are putting our trust and reform that course of action and thought. If we are putting our trust in things that can burn, float away, leave, be lost or taken, or upon people and jobs that waiver and leave, then we are basing our good on the flimsy and unstable, the  ‘spider’s web’. But if we put all of our thought and activity on the divineness of Good, on God who never leaves, is always lifting us to higher and higher to His views and activities. Then we’re basing our Good on a firm foundation; the foundation of Life, the foundation that Jesus always pointed us to turn to for everything.

Our lives can look pretty dismal, lacking in every area but it is never too late to turn to God for the real answers, the abundance of His care and love. What the world needs more is trust, starting with me. Let us trust the faithful, “the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving”3 God who created All. He knows the way He is leading us. He knows His Love for us. He is here ready for us to stop trying to do this dark fearsome maze of concern and doubts on our own. He is waiting to lift us up above the maze and be free! By looking up to Him He will lift us out of it. Let us look to His Light and Love and be free. Let us trust Him and let Him do the leading. How? Simply love God more than believing the lies, the opposite of His Good.

“Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.”4

Gentle hugs

1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg 484 lines 13-14
2 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Job 8 vss. 13-15
3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg. 587 line 6 (Definition of “God. The great I AM; the all-knowing, all-seeing, all-acting, all-wise, all-loving, and eternal; Principle; Mind; Soul; Spirit; Life; Truth; Love; all substance;  intelligence.” )
4  Psalms 62 vs. 8

Prayer/Poem/Hymn By Mary Baker Eddy
“It matters not what be thy lot, so Love doth guide;
For storm or shine, pure peace is thine, whate’er betide.
And of these stones, or tyrants’ thrones, God able is
To raise up seed—in thought and deed—to faithful His.

Aye, darkling  sense, arise, go hence! Our God is good.
False fears are foes—truth tatters those, when understood.

Love looseth thee, and lifteth me, Ayont hate’s thrall:
There Life is light and wisdom might, And God is All.” 

Christian Science Hymnal No. 160

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