Thursday, June 27, 2013

Fear is a bully

 If you turned fear into a person it would always be a fearful, trembling, afraid, worried, concerned, dark, doubtful person of gloom and doom. Simply stated, the identity of fear is fear. Fear is simply and totally the activity of fear. Fear is afraid. When one falls for fear they find they are in the midst of a bully that grows every step of the way. A bully that has no facts or divine Truth, but is always making statements of fearful what ifs and maybes. Fear is always just fear. To be afraid, fearful, deeply concerned and worried, one must agree with the bully, fall for the bully’s threats, and fear fear.

But if one turns on fear with the light of Truth, God’s goodness and allness, then fear disappears, runs away, leaves. You see, God, Truth, is All Good, all Power. There is nothing that fear can attach itself to or make afraid in God. Truth, God, is never afraid.  With no inkling of fear or darkness in God’s Truth, there is no place for fear to attach itself to, bully, or companion with. Why? Because fear is the barer of bad, the scream of doom and gloom, the terror of future non-events, but God, on the other hand, is the all-knowing, all-wise, all-expressing Good. God has no darkness, no doubt, no fear. Therefore there is no place for fear to have a foothold or claim in the reality of God, Good. God, Good, is the eternal, infinite, forever Good. Fear then has to be the infinite nothingness of nothing. A bully of nothing is no power, no bully, nothing to fear.

Man, God’s reflection, the ray of His Truth and Love, cannot actually be afraid if he knows who and what he is as God’s perfect offspring. It is a lack of trust and understanding of the who and what he eternally is that attracts fear. A lack of understanding attracts doubt, concern and then a full blown case of fear. But when one learns about their true identity as a child of God, this light of Truth removes all fear.

God is Love. He is all Love. Everything God does, gives, expresses is through Love. If man understood Love and not just love, he would understand the constancy, power, and ever-presence of Love. When he thinks of Love as love, it is ‘ify’ at best and downright disappointing at the worst. But when he learns that Love is God, ever-present, powerful, good, divine, eternal, then he can let go of his dependence upon and dissatisfaction in the false mortal views of love.

Love heals, Love reveals, Love guides, Love protects, Love embraces eternally and continually. Love never lets man down, never fails, never leaves. Love is as constant as the light of the sun day and night. Love is Love. It grows, gives, rejoices and makes happy.

In the Bible we are told, “Be not afraid of sudden fear, neither of the desolation of the wicked, when it cometh. For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.”1

The sudden fears that make our system jump, the sweat of the unknown, the trouble and concern can be cured by and through understanding, confidence in the all-knowing, all-wise God. Then when understanding of how to do something is revealed fear of any given situation no longer terrorizes. With understanding also comes trust, trust in and the leaning upon that understanding. God is Mind. When we understand Mind, turn to Mind, and lean upon Mind, we receive all the answers that we need.  These answers are perfect and useful. This removes fear.

Paul stated to his disciples, “…my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure. Do all things without murmurings and disputings:”2

 Paul was turning his disciples and followers to God instead of to himself. We too must learn to go to God for all things and not to people, groups, family, parents, or friends. They can be so sweet and useful but they are not the All-knowing God.

Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science puts it this way, “‘Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling’ says the apostle, and he straightway adds: ‘for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure’ (Philippians ii. 12, 13). Truth has furnished the key to the kingdom, and with this key Christian Science has opened the door of the human understanding. None may pick the lock nor enter by some other door. The ordinary teachings are material and not spiritual. Christian Science teaches only that which is spiritual and divine, and not human. Christian Science is unerring and Divine; the human sense of things errs because it is human.3

Those loved ones or groups that offer help are ‘the human sense of things’ which sometimes is so off base that it leads us further away from God and further away from the Truth, the answer to our problems.

What we need is more faith in the divine. A false sense of faith in persons or the bullying fearful tactics of the tempter leads us further from Divine Mind. But this higher sense of faith in God isn’t blind but through a better understanding of God. A clearer view of what God is and what God is doing frees us from the uselessness of fear, based upon doubt and a lack of knowledge.

When we turn to God, Truth, we see with clarity and understanding how to do every duty that comes to us. The light of Truth dispels fear. It brings to light the reality of any given situation. This light removes the dark ominous threat of fear and reveals ability, God’s ability. So when are afraid, all we need is this Light of Truth to reveal to us the reality of any given situation. This Truth is God’s omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent control.

To turn to, love, embrace, and trust Truth, God, gives us strength each task along the way. It gives us the power to handle the fears and doubts that try to stymie us. By loving Love, understanding Love and its availability and ability we become free from the fears that try to paralyze us.  By turning to Mind, knowing that it is the all-knowing and wise, we are freely given the answer that we need. Practice in this line of trust makes us forever less fearful. Understanding, trust and love frees us from all fear.

We are told, “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world…Herein is our love made perfect, that we may have boldness in the day of judgment: because as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. We love him, because he first loved us.”4

Friends, fear not, only love Love. God loves us, is revealing to us, is embracing us in His wisdom and goodness. He has all the answers for us. Fear has nothing to give to us. But loving Love brings all to us. Let us trust the all-knowing Mind and be free.

Gentle hugs

1 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Proverbs 3 vss. 25, 26
2 ibid Philippians 2 vss. 12-14
3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures page 99 line 6
4 The King James Version of The Holy Bible I John 4 vss. 1, 17-19

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