Friday, June 21, 2013

Safety--Stay within

Where are we safe? Are we safe in a wood, brick, or metal house? Are we safe at the mall or in the movie theater? Doesn’t the threats of today make one feel that safety is arbitrary to things around us, the weather, people, conditions?

In thinking recently of an occurrence where Jesus had said to the people, “I and my Father are one.”1 When he said this the people took up stones to stone him. They probably were not thinking they would just thunk him a few times, but probably had the evil intent to kill him.

Christ Jesus didn’t run. He faced the threat. He asked them why they felt the need to stone him, for what reason.   How did he have the bravery or wisdom to stand up against their error and hatred? He knew that he was at one with the Father. He wasn’t just talking about it but knowing it. It was a Fact, a Truth to him.  He knew that mankind is the offspring of the Father, safe and within God’s keeping. Instead of wanting to stone him they should have been thanking him!

We are told, “For in him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring.”2 To be safe we must stay within this understanding. WE live in divine consciousness, we move and have our being there. Why? Because God, Mind, fills all space. When we understand that the Divine Intelligence of the Universe including Man fills all space with Love, we can see that Love is the animator of all Being, NOT hate. Love removes hate, heals hate, keeps mankind safe from hate, when one realizes the power of Love over the threats of hate.

Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, repeated Christ Jesus’ words when she described man’s oneness with God and His place with God. “…’I and my Father are one,’—this is, one in quality, not in quantity. As a drop of water is one with the ocean, a ray of light one with the sun, even so God and man, Father and son, are one in being. ‘the Scriptures read: ‘For in Him we live, and move, and have our being.’”3

There were other times when the people had a mob mentality and threatened him. But Christ Jesus knew where he was, safe in God’s Love.

We too may know this. The more we understand our unbroken relationship with God and His harmonious Being, the more we can feel the safety of that Truth.

David sang in one of his first Psalms, “I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety.”4 AND “Hold thou me up, and I shall be safe: and I will have respect unto thy statutes continually.”5

The men and women of the Bible followed God’s Word, obeyed His commandments and Beatitudes. They knew that by staying strict to His Word it saved them from having to retrace their steps like Jonah had to in his disobedience. Because he wasn’t obedient to God’s commands he ended up in a whale’s belly. Jonah had to call to God, renew his obedience, and be vomited out of the belly before he found his safety had always been within the following of God’s Word.

In obedience we too must do as we are told. We must learn how to hear our Father’s voice and then be diligent in following His voice. This keeps us always safe.

By following His commands, His statutes, His laws in our daily lives, we are putting ourselves in the right place at the right time instead of visa versa. To be a listener and obedient follower of His Word, we too can feel the spiritual safety that brings.

We cannot let the events of a few turn us around to fearing every shadow, every person, every event. We must regain our dominion by knowing the Who, What, Where of the Holy Ghost. Many who have understood their divine protection have been able to walk through the mobs of fear and anger without even a scratch. When we lift our consciousness high above the chaos and fear, to where we can feel and hear His voice of calm, we can also hear His constant directions.

David brought with him that sense of safety in many battles. Moses had a huge multitude leaning on him and at times disgruntled with him. But he knew that by following God’s unfoldment of Good, God’s direction, all would be safe and cared for till they arrived at the end of their journey. Paul threw off the viper that latched onto his hand from the fire. Even though others around him waited for him to become sick and die of the venom it had no effect upon him at all.

We too are safe in our day. We must be alert to being in God’s presence and following Him. He will always have His angels guarding and guiding us. We are safe with-in His Love.

“From earth's fears and vain alarms
Safe in His encircling arms,
He will keep us all the way,
God, our refuge, strength and stay.”6

Gentle hugs

1 The King James Version of The Holy Bible John 10 vs. 30
2 ibid The Acts of the Apostles 17 vs. 28
3 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy pg. 361 lines 15-20
4 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Psalms 4 vs. 8
5 ibid Psalms 119 vs. 117
6 Christian Science Hymnal No. 53 vs. 3

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