Monday, June 10, 2013

Scientific Statement of Being

Question.—What is the Scientific Statement of Being?

Answer.—There is no life, truth, intelligence, nor substance in matter. All is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all. Spirit is immortal Truth; matter is mortal error. Spirit is the real and eternal; matter is the unreal and temporal. Spirit is God, and man is his image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.”1 by Mary Baker Eddy

Life is eternal. It has no beginning and no ending. This was proven by Christ Jesus over 2,000 years ago when hatred tried to crucify Love. He proved the impossibility of killing Life. He proved over and over that life isn’t in a mortal material body. He proved that no disease, no sin, not even death held power over God’s Man, the image and likeness of God.2

Mary Baker Eddy was healed many times of many ailments. She even had a ‘deathbed’ experience. When the doctors proclaimed there wasn’t anything else they could do for her and that death was what was going to happen to her shortly. She asked for her Holy Bible. She opened it up to a healing account of Jesus’ and she was healed. She got out of the bed, dressed herself, showed herself well to her friends instead of dying. She then went on a three year mission with her Holy Bible, studying, praying, gleaning, learning and proving the what and how of her healing by healing others. She later shared her learning with others and called it Christian Science. The Science of the Christ, the Science, knowledge of the how and the what of the Christ. The Christ power that was in the life experiences of those before Christ Jesus and that is in all of our lives in the here and now.

The power she learned from the Christ healing work she shared with the world. As Christian Scientist we feel great gratitude for Mrs. Eddy as well as for Christ Jesus. Because the two of them are the forever two witnesses to the Laws of God, Love. They shared the power, manifestation, expression of ‘Immanuel, God with us’ all. They gave proof to the ever-present divine Laws of God. They taught us all, that it isn’t a gift for a few but for all mankind to express and prove for themselves. This healing ministry is provable for all. “The divine Principle of healing is proved in the personal experience of any sincere seeker of Truth.”4 This ‘divine Principle…Truth’ is God Law of Truth and this heals the sick, lifts the sinning and dying, and reveals Life as God’s presence being reflected by Man.

Many of us have seen this healing presence of God’s divine laws being manifested right where the mortal claims of disaster, disease, sinful temptations and even death claimed to be more powerful. God is the only power, the only Life, the Spirit, Soul, Principle Creator of the Universe including Man. God is Love and He expresses His healing Love through us all and with us all. He never leaves, therefore His perfect Being, the Being that we reflect, never leaves us. This perfect Being heals us of all misconceptions, lies, opinions, theories, false systems, dogmas and creeds concerning life in a matter based, mortal existence, the lies of the error, devil that tries to forever separate us from the Truth of our Being as God’s children.

God’s laws are the only true Law, otherwise how could Christ Jesus heal man and woman from all sorts of the mortal beliefs? Man reflects these laws and is maintained by them. Man is here as proof of these laws and are to prove them in his daily experience. God’s laws are the only Power. The false claims of mortal beliefs have no power to change the ever-powerful, ever-present, All-in-all of God. As we prove God’s healing ever-presence and Man’s reflection, expression, duty and responsibility to be healed and heal with God’s laws, the lies disappear.

Man is the proof, the reflection, the image and likeness of all that God is and is doing.  We are told “mark the perfect man, and behold the upright; for the end of that man is peace.”3 By ‘marking this perfect man’ in our thoughts and our lives, we are proving the ‘Scientific Statement of Being’.

Burdened? Sick? Sinning? Dying? Learn this Scientific Statement of Being. This Scientific statement is our being as the image and likeness, the ‘perfect Man’ of God’s creation. It is provable, healing, lifting and powerful.

Let us stop being the victims of lies and see our Divine Right as the Children of God.

Gentle hugs
1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 468 lines 8-15
2 The King James Version of The Holy Bible Genesis 1 vss. 26, 27
3 ibid Psalms 37 vs. 37
4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page x line 23

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