Monday, July 15, 2013

"Joy cometh in the Morning"

As the old time hymn proclaims:

O weary pilgrim, lift your head,
For joy cometh in the morning;
For God in His own Word hath said
That joy cometh in the morning.

Joy cometh in the morning,
Joy cometh in the morning;
Weeping may endure for a night,
But joy cometh in the morning.

Our God shall wipe all tears away,
For joy cometh in the morning;
Sorrow and sighing flee away,
For joy cometh in the morning.

…let us look to God for the joy that comes to us at the dawn of a new thought.

What is this ‘new thought’? It is the higher views of Truth, God, awakening us, showing us His view of Creation, which includes all the Universe and Mankind. They are the realization, the thoughts and ideas, of our divine relationship with God, our Creator and sustaining Maker.

How does this occur? When we turn our thoughts to Him, stand firm upon His Truth and Love, which He constantly reveals to us, we gain a sense of freedom. His Truth breaks us free from all the dismal thoughts of threat, gloom, doom, lack, loneliness, sin, sickness and death. God’s eternal, infinite Goodness is an annihilating Divine Law for all that is unlike Good.

By looking to God who is Love, we see His Christ, Truth, revealing itself as an ever-present help in times of both trouble and joy. By rejoicing in His Love, realizing His Power, this activity brings us through the nights of sickness, sorrow, and fear.  By turning our thoughts to Him, we can see that He is always with us, that Love and its Power is ever-near.

By looking to God as the one and only perfect Mind, for every thought and answer, we find answers. By placing our lives squarely into His Life instead of our personal beliefs, opinions and desires, we begin to see our lives harmonize, balance, become more healthy, abundant, useful, and consistent. A state of well-being begins to be a constant in our lives as His, Life’s, expression. By seeing that harmonious creation is His divine design and that all Mankind is included in this grand design, we let go of the false life and turn to Life as our directing Omnipotent Guide.

We can do this because He created us to be included eternally in His perfect design. We have a divine purpose. He lifts us from our lowly views of ourselves and our lives to His highest sight, His perfect vision of the Who and What that we are of His creating. God and His perfect idea, Man.

No one is left out. No one is without His constant Good. No one is outside of His guiding,
directing, powerful Hand. All we must do is turn our lives from our mortal lacking views, to Him, who is All-in-all. God is Love. To turn to Love is easy, to trust Love is imperative, to feel Love’s ever-presence is eternally possible.

Hitting ‘brick walls’, fearful, in trouble, needing? Turn your whole thought, life, experience over to Him. This brings joy with each dawning thought and happy realization that He has never left us. He is always the answer to every challenge. He is guiding us through the darkness by His Light and joy does come in this rising activity.

Gentle hugs

1 Christian Science Hymnal 425

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