Thursday, July 18, 2013


In looking up the word ‘Blessed’, as in the Beatitudes when we read, “Blessed are the, or are they…” I found the words, ‘happy and prosperous’. Most of the time translations drop in the word ‘Happy’ for ‘Blessed’ in the Beatitudes. These Beatitudes are found in the Holy Bible in the book of Matthew chapter 5. They are a part of Christ Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount.

Instead this time I followed through by looking up the word ‘prosperous’. One of the definitions for prosperous is ‘Advance(ed/ing)’. This was an interesting take on the word ‘Blessed’ so it lead me to take this word to the Beatitudes to study them with the idea that when followed there is advancement of thought, activity, growth and expression in our lives. It was a real eye opener.

Here, let me show you a few examples: (Please take NOTE that the bracketed areas are words looked up and thoughts revealed about these words to better understand the Beatitudes themselves and how they apply to life lessons.)

·   Advancing are the poor in spirit [poor=lacking; in spirit= a personal sense, ego, self-centered based thoughts]: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [“The reign of harmony in divine Science (~Reality~); the realm of unerring, eternal, and omnipotent Mind; the atmosphere of Spirit, where Soul is supreme”1].


·   Advancing are they that mourn [grieve—pained in the mind=those thoughts which creates doubt, fear, sorrow, depression…thought pangs that nag or worry…Mourn cont. afflicted=troubled or distressed]: for they shall be comforted [strengthened, consoled, encouraged; God is doing this! Consoling by removing the sorrow and personal sense of fear, doubt, and confusion, by revealing life as in and of the Consciousness of Divine Mind, not personal sense, ego, self-centeredness, selfish points of view].

Going through each of the Beatitudes in this way was eye opening. It allows us to see how far we have to go or how close we have come in the seeing of our relationship with God and His Divine Laws.

“Progress takes off human shackles. The finite must yield to the infinite. Advancing to a higher plane of action, thought rises from the material sense to the spiritual, from the scholastic to the inspirational, and from the mortal to the immortal.”2

When we work on these Divine Laws as expressions, guidance, rules for our every decision, thought, and action, we are lead by these advancing actions. They raise thought ‘from the material sense to the spiritual’.  They help us to prove, “Emmanuel…God with us.”3

By looking up words we are advancing our studies to a higher view of The Word, God’s directives of Love. By looking deeper into the Word, The Gospel, The Truth, we become better workers, better ‘seers’, better healers, provers of the Word of God. The time we take in this study is the time that we are truly being lead by Mind, God, to His higher views and understanding. This kind of study, lifts us from the ‘shallows of mortal belief’4 into the vision and clarity of the Divine Principle, God. This brings our lives into harmony, health, well-being, healing, into the atmosphere of Love. This advanced thinking brings to us a better understanding, wisdom, clarity of the spiritual, Spirit’s realm of thought and activity. It shines the Light of Truth and reveals what God is and what Man is as God’s reflection.

Advanced thought through advanced activity is wisdom, true understanding, humility, and focus. It gives to man that sense of peace that comes with understanding. It blesses us…

Gentle hugs  

1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 590 lines 1-3
2 ibid page 256 lines 1-5
3 The King James Version of the Holy Bible Matthew 1 vs. 23
4 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 262 line 10

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