Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Divine Reality is the only Reality

God creates all forms of reality. His thoughts are spiritual realities.1

How can we heal our lives and all of the ends and outs of the complications that so upset us and make us feel that our future is dismal?

God, Good, the Divine Creator of All. What God knows reverses our futile feelings, our fears, our doubts, our beliefs of the gloomy now and the dismal forecast of our tomorrows.

What God knows is the Real. What we believe or think outside of God’s All-knowing is the unreal. What God knows is realized by turning to only Him and turning off our beliefs and fears.

How? By consecrating our lives to Him, looking to Him for all answers, this gives to us the vision of His harmonious Reality. This harmonious Reality is being expressed through us. This revelation of His healing presence and the removal of the chaos and doubt, frees us to live our lives as He created, lives full, harmonious, joyful and FREE.

By consecrating our lives to His Will, His Ways, His unfoldment of His Good, we can gladly see that a life with God, who is our Life, is a life that is lifted above the false pictures of gloom and doom to the vision of His Creation.

God doesn’t see what we see. God only sees what He created and that as ‘very good’2. God only sees His Divine Reality. God only sees His perfection and His creation as perfect. This creation includes Man, the Universe, and all things therein.

By looking to see what God sees, what God has created, what God is giving, we become freer and freer from the burdens of our own mistaken beliefs. By looking to Love, God, for love, Love is revealed in infinite ways. By looking to Life, God, for our life, we experience more fully a healthy freer life. By looking to Principle, God, for all guidance, direction through His Divine Laws, we are guided through and out of hardships to see that His Laws supersede the mortal beliefs. By looking to Spirit, God, we begin to see, feel, and know that substance is not in matter and the mortal experience. But that Substance, true substance, is divine, strong, purely spiritual, perfect and substantial, outside of matter and in Spirit. By looking for Soul, God, we see all creativity as divine, beautiful, as spectacular as the sunrise or sunset. This creative Soul, God, created Man in His own image and likeness. Man as the offspring of Soul expresses all Art, Science, Creativity, in all His, God’s, spiritual ways. By looking for Truth, God, we begin to see through the eyes of Truth, which dispels the lies, removes the fears, and brings our vision to the higher standard of Divine Truth. By looking to Mind, God, we see true wisdom and intelligence being our guides throughout our day. This All-knowing Mind expresses its ideas throughout all of His creation, revealing His Perfect Selfhood and Perfection. His unfoldment of His Perfect Thought fills all space. His Perfect Thoughts includes each one of us. We are His Thought being expressed. We must let Him remove all of our false concepts about ourselves and reveal to us our true identity as His Ideas. Mind, God, does this.    

Let us see a higher sense of Reality by turning to the Real and only Creator, God. Let us let our lives be lifted above the false senses to see our lives having higher purposes and better experiences. Let us let go of the false fears and doubts, by turning to the ‘All-knowing, All-seeing, All-wise’, God who is our Life. Let us love His ways more than our ways. Let us trust His views more than our beliefs. Let us be the Who and What of His Creation. This ‘LETTING’ will we bring us into His Truth and reveal His purpose for us, bringing it out into the open. This will free us from the chaos, gloom, fear and doubt and bring forward His Glory into our lives.

Gentle hugs

1 Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy page 513 lines 26-27
2 The King James Version of the Holy Bible Genesis chapter 1  

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