Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Pictures of Spring...visual aspects of Renewal

As the rains came and the buds appeared on the branches of the local trees, the couple rejoiced that they too had come through a winter of harshness. Their relationship had grown through the sun of forgiveness and forbearance and their joy came from a beautiful bouquet of learning lessons.

 The She Artist had pictures that were proofs of inspiration. She had had a deep desire to capture the sunsets of that winter in its passing glory. The He Artist’s work had been accepted by an art show jury, their first for the year. They had much to do and a lot to be grateful for as the early spring showed its Divine design. Their work became not only forms of beauty caught by their cameras. But the photos were placed behind unique mat board and lovely frames to become full blown pieces of finished artwork. Day by day they worked steadily and carefully on each piece until the deadline came. When it was time for them to leave, they packed their gorgeous finished product, a craft tent, two chairs, several grid wall display stands, as well as almost all of their personal possessions into their truck and the 17’ trailer. They were on the road towards Pass Christian, Mississippi. They didn’t know that this trip was leading them from the comfort of solid stationariness into the liquidity of a life without mortal life jackets, into the Divine waters of a more spiritual life.

Several weeks prior, they had been led to make reservations at a lovely RV park just a few miles from the sugar white sandy beaches between Biloxi and New Orleans. The Gulf of Mexico brought the hugeness of their endeavors into perspective. As the powerful waters rushed the shores, they could see that their work wasn’t just about two artists’ and their personal desires. But a Divine direction, a purposeful Soulful expression of two witnesses who captured moments of God’s beauty, grace, and presence; and brought it into tangible form for the spectator and customer alike.

They had so much to learn about the ‘why’, ‘Who’, ‘when’, ‘where’, and ‘what’ of their work. They didn’t realize their endeavors were not personal, but under the Hand of the Divine. They didn’t understand that the work was bigger than their personal perceptions. They didn’t see the Big Picture, the reason, the Help, the Direction which consistently was ever-present in their day to day activity as they should have. It might have helped serve them better than their dread and fears concerning the future. Had they taken in the vastness of the ocean’s power as a symbol of God’s power and control over their lives, perhaps it would have helped them gain a deeper sense of trust and peace.

The trip had been set for only six days. But through necessity it was extended to almost two weeks. The extra time gave them moments of clarity and inspiration which they needed for future courage. It was a springboard view of the possibilities and opportunities of their life on the road with Him, God, a bird’s eye view of what their new life would include. The beauty and grandeur of the place, the freshness of the full blown spring, the time they had been given in this paradise fed them as artists and their budding friendship.

When they came back to their stationary RV home they were not the same people. The struggle between the known and the unknown, between the comfort zones of a stagnating RV park and the refreshing daily renewal through His direction on the road, had changed the artists from the ordinary to the extraordinary. It guided them into the realization they were to move into a 17’ RV and go on the road. Permanent seekers and followers, witnesses to the Grand Director of Life on the road.

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